(no subject)

Sep 25, 2007 22:55

Because I don't want to work on my homework...a survey stolen from the illustrious Stephanie.

thought-provoking survey
What is your biggest dream?
To get a great job I love in counseling/student affairs. To possibly get my doctorate over seas. To travel. To marry and live happily ever after in the white-pickett fence lifestyle sans the kids. Opening up my home as a foster home for teens. Being able to have a healthy intimate relationship with a guy.

What do you think of when you think of being alone?:
isolation. desperation. depression. a lack of connection to others. Existentialism- in the end, you really are alone as you are the only person who can truely understand yourself.

Does blood scare you/make you sick?
never seen large quantities, but not really.

Do you have morbid thoughts?
Yup. I'm rather existential like that...

Do you remember when you lost your innocence?
a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

What is the worst trait a person can have?
Excessive neediness to the point that they can't make choices on their own. Selfishness though...to the point that you hurt others to meet your own ends.

Do you know who you are?
I'm slowly figuring it out after sifting through all the crap I've been fed over the years.

What is your worst addiction?
relationships, social interaction, feeling needed...you see a theme?

Do you hide who you really are to keep your family happy?

Would you die for another person if it saved their life?
depends on the person, but generally, yes.

Do you cry when a disaster happens in the world?
depends on how it effects me personally (yeah, that sounds horrible). That's not to say that other disaster's don't effect me, they do. But I don't feel connected enough for tears.

If you could go back and change one thing from your past, what would it be?
I would have been more perceptive and not put all my eggs into one basket. I wouldn't have set myself up to be hurt as badly as I was.

Do you ever lie to make someone happy?
have done so, many times. Ususally my mother.

If you could cure one disease, what would it be and why?
AIDS...or Cancer...or bipolar disorder...or alzheimers. The last two have more of an effect on me than the first two.

What do you hate the most about yourself?
Alot. I'm selfish...that's the big one. I hate that.

What do you love the most about yourself?
my ability to counsel and listen. ?

Do you contemplate life after death, and what do you conclude when you do?
The only thing I care about is what happens at the funeral. i want to see that. After that, whatever happens happens.

How do you think your karma is doing? Good or bad?
I'm a firm believer in Karma. I'm not sure how mine is doing. I would liek to think it's good, because I never intentionally harm people. However, my track record as of late with a certain guy down here hasn't been keen. So perhaps I'm tarnishing myself.

If you could live a different life from birth to now, what would it be?
I wouldn't choose too. While my life has been rough at times and very drama filled (ick)I can't imagine living any other way. I've had many good things happen to balance out the bad things. (Thinks back to the apt at Longwood with Jenn, Veve, KC..and all the stuff that happened that year). :-)

Do you believe your dreams/nightmares hold truth?
I believe that it's a processing of information, anxieties, and fears. If it happens to coorelate to real life, it's because you were thinking about it.

Do you think human life is too short? Why or why not?:
If we lived much longer than we do now, we'd have so many more issues.

Would you prefer to have a shorter life with no chance of health issues?
it doesn't matter as long as I was able to live my life to it's fullest I don't care.

Would you rather live forever in a bunker, or die in a nuclear blast?
don't know. depends on who I'm living with and what it's like.

If you had to live forever in a bunker (instead of dying in a nuclear blast), what 5 real people would you bring with you (assume you will all be able to live until you die of natural causes ... no having babies, that just complicates things ... also, there are only 2 beds [that is just for kicks and giggles])?
-a choice male
(I know that the three of us can live together. Danny can live iwth us too. The choice male would be more for veve and my entertainment. However, if he looked like Link perhaps KC would be interested as well. ;-)

What is your worst death you can imagine for yourself?
there are many...pretty much anything but dying in my sleep.

How would you "prefer" to die, what age?:
in my sleep with someone I love near me. Of course, that's traumatic for the loved one but....I think when you're dying you're entitled to a bit of selfishness.

Describe the scenario that allows you to best get in touch with yourself.
talking with friends. Either that or just laying down with Severus on my stomach and talking to her.

Do you believe in destiny? What is yours?
Hrm, I believe in some predestination. I believe there are certain paths laid out, but I get to choose which I want to wander down.

Can music really heal us?
yes. it's wonderfully cathartic...similar to writing.Any form of the arts have the capability to heal.

If you could be told your future in detail, would you want to know?
That's a toughy....I'm going to cop out and say ÿes and no

If you had 5 more days to live before you died, what would you do?
Alot. I can't really quantify some of the stuff I would do. I would end up doing alot of driving because just calling someone and telling them how I feel wouldn't be enough. I would end up driving all over the place to get to those people who need a personalized message of love.

Do you believe that animals have souls?

Have you ever felt immortal? when/why.:
There are times when I catch myself not living in the moment and have to remind myself that I am, in fact, mortal and thus could die at any point.

What was your favorite childhood game?:
Murder in the Dark

What person are you most afraid of and why?:

Have you ever thought of harming another person?:

When are you most happy?:
When I am with people I know like and care about me.

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