gotta duel 'em all!

May 25, 2010 17:36

Had a peculiar dream last night! Or, set of dreams, rather. First off it started with me going to this odd little school, nothing wrong with that, made some great friends, yadda yadda educations, it was good times. And then after a few days, we got on a train and were off to a dance, at which point more good times were had. For some reason a lot of people were cosplaying, but that was... fine too, I guess! It was a fun night! I hung out with my dream friends, and then we got on the train to go home.

Aaaaand then the train, or I guess subway thing, crashed and me and this other guy were the only ones able to crawl out. While I wanted to get out and survive and was suddenly this DARK SOUL, he went back in to take advantage of all the dying people. Oh joy. After that I proceeded to avoid my dad and hide in the city, who was hunting me down for some reason, and lurk on a college campus trying to hide my identity as the only survivor of the crash. ... For some reason. Maybe it's a sign.

... Then after this, there was this party. Like, completely different dream now (I think I woke up and went back to sleep) and I was... one of the three new starters for Pokemon. The grass one. I had a top hat and everything. We were incognito, for... some reason, and were guests. It was weird. I woke up again pretty quick though so I don't remember much. Weird, weird dreams.

In other news, after having it since... Christmas, finally booted up GX Tag Force 3 for PSP, and ahahaha I think I got more nostalgia from hearing the same snazzy tunes from Tag Force 2 as I booted it up, set up my deck, and started dueling than I did through a... good deal of my play of Soul Silver. Whether that says something about my memory or me and GSC/HGSS in general, I have no idea. Most likely the former though, doh. In any case, it's great seeing Judai all grown up and stuff after the last one he was still in kid mode. Gonna have fun with this!

And MOST IMPORTANTLY!! Welcome those who I just friended via the Pokemon Friending Meme! ( which is over here for those who haven't seen it) I'd list you all, but people are still replying and I'm still poking around for people to add, but suffice to say, welcome and all of that good stuff!
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