Application : Ishida Uryuu | BLEACH

Sep 01, 2010 01:08


Name: Robin Terrae

Are you over 16?: Yup. By about 12 years ;-;

Personal LJ: robinterrae

Email: or

Timezone: EST

Other contact: AIM: Mekkyakushi/Chris Thorndyke | Yahoo: robin_terrae | MSN: | g!talk: or

Characters already in the game: Chris Thorndyke not_my_age

How did you find us?: People.


Character name: Ishida Uryuu

Fandom: BLEACH

Timeline: Episode 143 of the anime, as they are traveling through the Garganta, but before Ishida, Ichigo and Chad reach Hueco Mundo.

Age: 15

~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: As a member of the Quincy clan, Ishida has many powers, the biggest one being his ability to absorb reishi (the particles that make up all spiritual things) from his surroundings and use it to form a bow and arrows (known as reiyoku manipulation) using the Quincy cross he wears on his right wrist. At present time, his bow, called Ginrei Kōjaku, resembles a spider web and can fire 1,200 arrows in succession without stopping. It is also possible for him to curve the part of his arrows after firing them, although it is not known how long the arrow can be controlled and how many it will work on. Arrows can also be used to negate attacks as well. Also, as a spiritually aware human, Uryuu has the ability to see and interact with spirits, Hollows and Shinigami, and can sense reiatsu, which is the physical force a person's reiryoku creates when released.

Ishida is also one of the best at sensing a person's reiatsu, the pressure one's reiryku (the amount of energy a person has) exerts. He knew of Ichigo's spiritual awareness before the other became a Shinigami and knew when the boy did. He also knew of Chad and Orihime's awakening spiritual abilities and after studying Kon's reiatsu for a short time, was able to detect that Cloud, Ririn and Nova were, in fact, mod souls in gigais. He can also visualize Reiryoku into threads called Reiraku, which those who are spiritually aware can follow.

He also has the Seele Schneider, which is a thin, long metal bar that resembles a sword, except for the fact that the blade is actually made of reishi. It can also be used in conjunction with a Quincy's bow as a arrow as well. The blade of the Seele Schneider acts almost as a chainsaw, there the blade vibrates at ultra-high frequencies, which, in turn, loosens the molecular bonds between spirit matter, so that any freed spirit particles can be absorbed by the Quincy in turn and used for combat

Ishida also has silver tubes called Ginto, which are small canisters that store spiritual energy, they are used by the Quincy to perform spells, which are activated by using various commands. The only known spells at the moment are: Haizen, which creates a transparent, rectangular beam of energy that can slice through the opponent; Gritz, which forms a man-sized pentacle symbol which envelops it's target and Wolke, which creates a large blast and can be used to cushion the impact of a fall.

The Quincies also have an equivalent to the Shinigami's flash steps called Hirenkyaku. It is the method used to travel long distances in a short period of time. A version of this can be used to create platforms of spiritual particles under a person's feet and ride them to a desired location

[While these are what Ishida tends to use the most, there are many other Quincy abilities. A much more detailed list of Quincy powers and abilities can be found here]

He's also damn good with a needle and thread and proud of it, as evidenced by his 'only takes a second' to mend fellow classmates' plushies and to fix up Kon's stitches and create a dress in the likes of Marie Antoinette for him.

How would they use their abilities?: To protect those that need it. His Quincy Pride demands it.

Appearance: Uryuu is your normal, everyday Japanese teenager, just with the ability to see spirits and destroy Hollows. He stands 171 cm (5'7"), weighs 55 kg (121 lbs) and has the blood type AB. He has black hair (short in the back, longer bangs in the front) and blue eyes normally covered by glasses, and he wears his Quincy Cross on his right wrist at all times. Ishida is normally either dressed in his school uniform or his Quincy whites, although there are times when he appears in normal looking clothes as well. It's a safe bet that he designed and made them himself, as they usually incorporate a cross or a Quincy motif in some way. There is also a star shaped scar on his chest. And while not a part of his appearance, other little tidbits include that he suffers from low blood pressure and his birthday is November 6th.


- Background -

The only child of Ishida Ryuuken, and only grandchild of the late Ishida Souken, young Uryuu is the last in a line of warriors called the Quincy, a once great clan of spiritually aware humans who were nearly exterminated by the Shinigami 200 years ago due to a difference in their methods of operations. For instance, when a Shinigami defeats a Hollow, the soul is cleansed of all sins committed as a hollow and is sent on to Soul Society (or Hell, if the person's actions while alive called for it). A Quincy, on the other hand, does not do this; they simply destroy, which in turn, upsets the balance of souls flowing between the Human World and Soul Society. The Shinigami had tried to negotiate with the Quincy to get them to stop from battling and killing Hollows, negotiations had broken down and the order was given to exterminate the Quincy.

However, some managed to survive, leading to the Ishida family in modern times. While Souken was recognized officially as the last living Quincy, both his son and grandson are able to use the abilities as well. Ryuuken, however, has seemingly turned his back on his heritage, instead concentrating on his work as a doctor, telling his son that he would rather "concentrate on the living and not the dead." He also forbade his son from learning the Quincy arts, an order that was disobeyed as Uryuu met with his grandfather in secret so that he could learn to utilize the powers he had been born with, because he found himself not being to stand idly by while he could see, and hear the Hollows and the souls of those they planned on making their victims.

Souken didn't hold this against his son, however, even as he proceeded in training Uryuu, only telling the boy that he would understand his father's reasoning soon enough. But Uryuu finds that he can't, because his sense of justice and his pride cannot wrap around the idea that one does nothing with the power that they are given, especially if that power will allow you to help another.

And so, Uryuu learns how to use his abilities in secret, while his grandfather shares stories of their clan's history and how he has been trying to work out a proposal so that instead of being enemies, the Shinigami and Quincy should instead, work together in their common goal, to protect those who cannot protect themselves from the Hollows, by using the Quincy as a type of advance force who can keep the Hollows at bay until the Shinigami could arrive and purify the soul.

And it was this belief that guided Souken, and that he, in turn, tried to pass onto Uryuu. And Uryuu, believed in his grandfather's words, right up until that fateful day. The day that Ishida Souken died, killed by Hollows who had slain him as he attempted to hold them off until help arrived from Soul Society, help that arrived three hours too late.

And at the end of the day, young Uryuu no longer believed that the Shinigami were able to do their jobs. Because of this, Ishida vowed to himself that he would show the Shinigami how much they needed the Quincy, and went about training himself further in the arts. This, of course, grew into a point of contention between himself and his father, leading to Uryuu moving out of his father's home and into a flat of his own, in the Kitakawase section of Karakura.

Everything goes well for a while, until high school. As a student at Karakura 1st Public School, Uryuu finds himself in the same class as Kurosaki Ichigo, Karakura's resident ghost magnet and reiatsu spilling machine. Of course, this might not mean much, except for that fateful day in May when Ichigo meets one Kuchiki Rukia, and receives her Shinigami powers. And now, Ichigo is a Shinigami, and someone that Uryuu finds himself directing his anger towards.

Time passes, until Uryuu finally makes contact with Ichigo and Rukia during one of their Hollow hunting excursions, which, in turns, reveals himself as being spiritually aware and able to kill Hollows as well. In order to prove the Quincy's worth, Uryuu challenges Ichigo to a little game: by snapping Hollow Bait, Uryuu calls a swarm of Hollows to Karakura, so that he and Ichigo can see who can kill the most Hollows in a set time period. Of course, this, in turn, attracts the attention of a Menos Grande.

Using their abilities, the two join forces, fighting back to back to ward off the Hollows (sharing their individual life stories while doing so) and Ichigo is able to repel the Menos, but this cases his spiritual energy to go haywire, and Uryuu, knowing that this whole situation was his fault due to his stubborn pride, steps in to try and bring it under control by absorbing it and releasing it as arrows into the sky. This works, but it causes Uryuu's arms and hands to be covered in cuts and blood, showing up for school the next day in bandages, with the excuse that he fell down the stairs, and Uryuu and Ichigo begin an uneasy rivalry/friendship.

The arrival of the Menos Grande, however, catches the attention of Soul Society, who send two Shinigami to the real world to retrieve Rukia. Uryuu, who claimed he just happened to be out shopping at the local 24-hour dress making store, Sunflower Seams, arrived and attempted to stop them, only be defeated. After Ichigo's arrival and subsequent defeat, Rukia returned to Soul Society, and Urahara Kisuke arrived. Telling Urahara and his crew to watch over Ichigo (as Ichigo would be the only one capable of saving her), Uryuu leaves. This has caused him to realize he wasn't as powerful as he thought he was, and that he was going to have to do train more to become stronger.

To do this, he donned the Sanrei glove, and trained for a week to master it, before appearing at Urahara's shop with Inoue Orihime and Sado "Chad" Yasatora to accompany Ichigo to Soul Society to rescue Rukia. They arrive there safely (although, Uryuu was almost caught by the soul cleaner and had to be carried by Chad, which resulted in his cape being torn. No worries, however, as the cape was promptly replaced with a spare as soon as they landed in Soul Society). After an unsuccessful attempt to break into the Seireitei, the group regroups with Yoruichi and heads to find Shiba Kukaku, who gives them an alternate way in, by using her fireworks cannon and allowing the group, plus Kukaku's younger brother, Ganju, to break through the protective barrier surrounding the Seireitei.

It works, although the group is separated and Uryuu finds himself wandering the streets of Seireitei with Orihime. He vows to protect to and does so, taking down a seated officer before Orihime has the bright idea of knocking out some Shinigami and "borrowing" their uniforms so that they can blend in better. This works for a time, until they encounter Kurotsuchi Mayuri and Nemu (the Captain and Vice-Captain of the 12th Division). Mayuri takes a special interest in Orihime, who Uryuu hands off to a member of the 11th Division to carry out of harm's way, and battles the Captain himself so that the Shinigami has time to take her away.

During the course of their battle for which, at the beginning, Uryuu finds himself outmatched by the Captain, Uryuu finds out the lengths to which Mayuri will go, such as using his own vice captain to disable him. Mayuri's treatment of Nemu, plus Mayuri's own admission of experimentation on Quincy Souls, especially that of his last one, one Ishida Souken, spurs Uryuu to use ransotengai, which then allows him to remove the Sanrei Glove and trigger the Quincy Letz Stile to battle. While this form proves more powerful then Mayuri and his Bankai, Uryuu is ultimately unable to defeat him, as he is poisoned and Mayuri has escaped by turning into a pile of goo. Nemu gives him the antidote as a thank you for not killing Mayuri and Uryuu wanders away, realizing that he's lost his Quincy powers, before running into and being knocked unconscious by Tousen Kaname.

He awakens, healed, in a cell in the 4th Division with both Chad and Ganju, where he sits until they are freed by Zaraki Kenpachi, the Captain of the 11th Squad and reunited with Orihime, before heading to the execution grounds, wherein they await of the conclusion of Ichigo's battle with Kuchiki Byakuya. Following this, they witness Aizen Sosuke's betrayal of Soul Society and departure to Hueco Mundo. Following this, they return to the Real World after spending several days recuperating.

Following their return, all is quiet for a short time, before Urahara decides to put the group through their paces to see how well they work together. After this, Urahara is the one that lets slip that Uryuu had lost his powers in Soul Society, something that Uryuu had not told the others due to his feelings of being useless without his abilities, and explains to the group gathered why he conducted these tests: in order to see how well prepared the group is for the next enemy: the Bount, a group of people, not exactly humans, who feast on the souls of humans to survive. Although the Bount normally feasts on those dearly departed, it seems as if they are now feeding on the souls of those still living.

With the added bonus of the three new Bount detectors, created by Urahara, the group is informed that Urahara believes that they will be seeking out those with spiritual energy, which, of course, leaves Ishida off the list, as he no longer has his Quincy abilities, and is, in turn, useless. Or at least feels that way. This turns out to be one of those rare times when Urahara is wrong, because the Bount are pursuing the Quincy for their needs. This starts a few episodes of "Who's Got the Quincy?!," which concludes with the death of Soma Yoshino, a female Bount that Uryuu found reminded him of his mother and that he had grown close to, and Kariya Jin's plan to send little things called Bitto, to drain the souls of humans and condense it into a liquid for the Bounts to drink.

Following Yoshino's death, Uryuu mopes for a little while, before coming to a decision and going out into the forest in an attempt to regain his powers and prove himself that he wasn't just a burden to the others while the others choose to go after the Bount, but fails, only to be met once again by Nemu, who hands him the Quincy Bangle, an unstable Quincy artifact that will allow him to use his powers again. Joining up with the others, Uryuu uses his Quincy abilities to allow Kariya and the Bounts into Soul Society, believing that they will be easier to defeat there. Of course, this is not true, but it does not keep the group from following the Bounts to Soul Society, where many battles take place as the Bounts invade Soul Society. Kariya puts into motion his plans to invade the Seireitei and destroy it, using crests that been sealed all over various parts of the Seireitei. During this, Uryuu and Ichigo run into Ran'tao, the shinigami responsible for the Bounts' creation and one who has been exiled from Seireitei.

After Kariya and his fellow Bounts break into the Seireitei, Uryuu and the others follow, and what results is a series of battles where the Bounts are taken out by various Captains in Soul Society, except for one, Yoshi, who is taken out by Uryuu and his unstable abilities. During this battle, he is injured and after he recovers from being healed by Orihime (after he protests, wishing for Orihime to heal it enough so that he can fight since the whole mess is his fault and the others telling him to STFU and get healed all the way), he waits until the others are sleeping and sneaks out, seeking out Ran'tao, who has managed to get into the Seireitei and is going after Kariya.

While Ran'tao manages to injure Kariya, this in turn makes her reiatsu go out of control. Uryuu, with the choice of either saving Ran'tao or taking out Kariya, opts to save Ran'tao, thereby causing the Quincy Bangle to reach its limit and disintegrate while Ichigo arrives to take on Kariya. Uryuu takes Ran'tao to safety, meeting up with Orihime and Chad, and then heads to the execution grounds, where they meet up with Renji and Rukia and await the outcome of the final battle between Ichigo and Kariya. Following Ichigo's win, the group returns home.

Shortly after their return, Uryuu is attacked by two incomplete Arrancar and while he attempts to use the Ginto to defeat them, is ultimately unsuccessful, it's only due to the timely arrival of Ryuuken, that he is not killed. Disappointed by his son, Ryuuken offers him a choice: the restoration of his powers, on the condition that he no longer associate with the Shinigami. After several days of thinking it over, Uryuu agrees, and begins training in his father's secret underground training area, while the Arrancar continue to attack the town. While, at first, Uryuu doubts his father's methods of restoring his powers (basically, run while I shoot at you. Oh, and don't get killed), it proves ultimately successful, as the only way to restore them is to be first mentally and physically exhausted, then shot with a spirit arrow 19 mm to the right of the heart.

Following the restoration of his powers, Uryuu is visited by Urahara, who informs him that Orihime has been taken by the Arrancar. Upon discovering that Soul Society has abandoned Ichigo on his quest to rescue her, Uryuu agrees to accompany both Ichigo and Chad to Hueco Mundo to rescue her. As far as he's concerned, since Soul Society has abandoned Orihime, Ichigo is technically not acting as a Shinigami and thus, Ishida is not working with them, giving him a loophole in his promise to Ryuuken.

And they enter the gate, on their way to Hueco Mundo, although his final destination is not what Ishida Uryuu expected.

- Personality -

For the most part, Uryuu is known as a standoffish child who keeps to himself. However, he does have a tendency to try and act cool while around others (usually Ichigo and the others), and has been noted as being characterized by dramatic speech. He also calls his father by his first name, which is considered very rude in Japanese society.

He tends to operate by a code called the "Pride of the Quincy," and will go to great lengths to protect his nakama, even if it's only because he just happened to be in the area, really. Or that their interest just happens to be the same as his. And while his relationship with Ichigo borders on rivalry, he gets along fine with both Chad and Orihime, and, despite once protesting hatred of their very existence, he seems to harbor no ill will towards most Shinigami, especially Rukia and Renji, who seem to be included in their circle of nakama.

He's also very chivalrous when it comes to the ladies, and will go after men who mistreat or abuse them, such as Renji and Byakuya when they come after Rukia and again Mayuri, when he uses Nemu to get at Uryuu during their battle, and seems to care very little for her, even treating her as less of a person. There are times when one could make the argument that he tends to be a white knight, literally, as he does try to protect those he's close to. He did so for Orihime in Soul Society and again Yoshino, when he gave himself up to Kariya to protect her and to stop herself from getting injured protecting him. And while he's taken from before he makes to Heuco Mundo, it is important to note that he wasn't above putting himself out there to protect Pesche, one of the Hollows that had joined up with the Orihime Rescue Team, and again, Renji, when they were fighting the Eighth Espada, even going so far as to come out and say that he trusts Renji.

Also, while fighting, he tries to avoid using lethal force, unless he absolutely has to. If he can find a way to win without killing someone, he will do it, such as cutting their soul chain and soul sleep, as he did to the one Shinigami who attempted to harm Orihime.

He's also rather proud of his sewing abilities, which had landed him with the moniker the "Four-Eyed Sewing Machine," and as president of Karakura 1st High School's Handicrafts Club and hates buttons and preferring fasteners. He's mostly known around school for fixing various plushies (including Kon) and he's designed and created all his Quincy attire as well. Of course, to this end, he hates buttons and prefers to use fasteners in his designs.

He also hates procrastination (which may be a factor in his school ranking of #1 among the first year students) and his favorite food is homemade mackerel miso soup.

Ishida is, by no means perfect, as he's made his share of mistakes. He's very proud of who and what he is, even when he looses his abilities, although without them, he tends to feel useless, powerless and unable to help the others. Sometimes, this belief has lead to some rather dubious choices on his part, such as accepting and learning how to use the Quincy Bangle, which, if used wrong, can lead to a sizable explosion that would take the user and a sizable chunk of the area around him/her with it.

Of course, while there are times when his pride has gotten him into trouble, he's usually able to learn from his mistakes, such as accepting that not all Shinigami are wrong, etc.

Have you read up on how the game works?: The plugin is the FlamingFerret. People get money by working/taking missions/freelancing, bumming and stealing.

1st person sample: [This is assuming he's been on the S.S. Thor for awhile]

[Video clicks on to Ishida sitting at a table, a sewing kit in front of him. Normally he wouldn't do this, but situations being as they were, he found himself with little to no choice.]

I suppose now would be as good as any other time to do this. If anyone has any clothing that they would like altered or redesigned, or perhaps even designed and built, I would like to offer up my services.

[Adjusts his glasses, pushing them up his nose]

If you wish to know my qualifications, I am the president of the Handicraft Club at Karakura 1st Public School and I can provide samples of my work and a portfolio if you wish to see them as well.

I'll be in room [x-y] if anyone wishes to discuss my proposal.

3rd person sample:
It hadn't taken him long to figure out that he wasn't where he was supposed to be, unless Hueco Mundo was a city inhabited by many different types of creatures. He knew that Hollows tended to come in many shapes and sizes and that the Arrancar almost appeared human, but he could sense no hollows around him, and no one seemed to have a hole in their chest or the remains of a mask about them.

He had been thoroughly confused, even more so when he had arrived at New Arrivals and had been fed a story about his world being destroyed, welcome to the S.S. Thor and here, fill out this paperwork in triplicate please. His fingers cramped from filling out all that paperwork that had been handed to him.

Ishida swore to himself if he found out that Urahara's gate was somehow responsible for this, they were going to end up having words. Lots of words. Far from pleasant ones in fact.

Frowning at the idea that his world was gone (and trying to figure out if they meant the Living World, Hueco Mundo, Soul Society or all three, but considering that they were all connected, he was wagering on all three), he glanced down at the paper that he had been handed and then around at his surroundings.

Ishida took note of all the places around him, storing away the names and locations of ones that might prove useful in the future and discarding the rest as unimportant. He narrowed his eyes as he continued walking, intend of finding his new place of residence for the foreseeable future and then figuring out what to do from there.

Questions?: Randomly, I know that everyone keeps their powers, but since Ishida's powers pretty much depend on being able to absorb reishi to manipulate into his bow and arrows, would there be any on the ship?

And also, because I don't want to step on any toes, and since Ishida can sense a person's spiritual energy would it be all right if I pose the question to the group at large if they wish for Ishida to sense them or not if say, for instance, their world has something that could be considered equivalent? He won't know who is who until he actually hangs out with them and gets to know them, of course and only if the other mun wants him too, but it's not something I can ignore with him. If that makes sense. >.>;;

Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yesh!

!gargleblasted app

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