Subject: Right ankle. Status: Hair line fracture and torn/stretched ligaments. Duration: Two-Six days to walk fine. Two-Four weeks to take on physical activities.
I'd choose my new friends over a lot of my old friends ... any day.
We have the tools to start this machine, and that engine turns. Controller, controller. Where does it all go? Repeater, repeater. And where do we all go? Passive understanding? Reach out.
I think I have a crush for the first time in a while. :-x
Hi, I have a million belts, I love em. Is that weird?
Revisit the past: A train with thought exists in a mind that doesn't see more than pixels and ads. Tunnel vison and a box; we, relationship. You may never understand what I have to say in later days. Oh, you pretty birds. Miss electric, later days. GRAVEYARD DIGGERS in shift.