-- B A S I C S --
Name: Courtney Elizabeth
Nicknames: Court, Bitlitz, Rockin' Chick, Pumpkin seed (really.. don't ask.. lol)
Explain what your user name means/why you picked it: My secret talent/love is singing, after posting several audio clips on another website.. I got dubbed "rokkin chikk" and it stuck with me ever since.
Age/Birthday (Month, Day, Year): 20 / July 15, 1985
Your 3 favorite colors: Green, Pink, Brown
Significant Other ( pics are nice ):
Keith, my keeferz. ♥
Location: Pensacola, FL
Tattoo's or Piercings( pics are nice ): For now, just 2 tattoo's (
1 and
2 ) and MULTIPLE piercings
face tongue moreSchool/Working: Taking a break from the schooling, 40+ hours a week - Customer Service Rep. for Adelphia
Hobbies: Singing, Writing, & Photography.
-- F A V O R I T E S --
Singer/Bands: Metallica, Linkin Park, Shinedown, Nickelback, & Faith Hill.
Song at the moment: "What Hurts The Most" - Rascall Flatts (Yes.. I'm big into country.. laugh all you want!)
Stores: Hah.. COMPUTER stores, ie. Office Max, Circuit City, Best Buy, & Tech Advance!!!!
Fav phrase/saying: "Sean is stupid" .... I say it more than I should. :/
Movie of the moment: Underworld: Evolution ... the chick is hott okay. !!!
TV show: South Park, That 70's Show, America's Next Top Model, Veronica Mars, Medium, Law & Order (SVU AND Criminal Intent), & King of the Hill. (not like I get to watch tv or anything, but those are ALL of my favorite show's).. oh and I used to be big into Buffy the Vampire Slayer. :/
Drink: Chocolate Milk, Cherry Pepsi, & Barq's Root Beer.
Food: Chhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhicken & Jalopeno's. I swear Jalopeno's can be counted as food..!!!
-- M I S C. --
Show us something funny:
Something Funny ( a friend of mine at the dry cleaner's.. *I* thought it was funny.. I could just be very very odd. hah.
Biggest Pet Peeve: People who tell me to "make my kid shut up because he is annoying" (especially when we're in the ER and he's extremely sick) ... if you ever want to see a pissed off Latin girl go off on someone, just say that to me.. and you'll never hear the end of it.
A lyric to a song, that you believe describes *you* in some way: (please keep it simple, NOT a whole song!) "and she wonder's how she got here, as she falls back down again"
Most embarassing moment: Ohh man.. just this past Easter Sunday, I was at church.. my son was being dedicated. I didn't realize I had a huge hole going down the back of my dress, about 1 foot in length. I mooned the whole church. Advice: NEVER wear a thong to church.. you never know when someone might see it. Ahahahhaa.
Name 5 things you can't live without: My guitar, Music, A camera, Pen & Paper (they go together.. shh), & my son.
Tell us 1 crazy fact about yourself: I got expelled from my local high school.
Who is your celebrity obsession ( pics are nice ) & why:
David Boreanaz - do I really have to explain why.. I mean come on, look at the picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell us a few goals you have in life: To finish my Meteorology Degree, buy a cute little house... and live happily ever after. :)
-- C O M M U N I T Y --
What makes you stand out for you to think your Sexc_Biotch material: Well for those who get to know me, I have a great perseonality (touche I know.. but I'm serious!) ... and I'm most definately not the sexiest ole girl around, but there's something beautiful about everyone.. so it's up to you all to decide what that is, or if it's just a myth. ;)
Look at the member list, and pick 2 members & 1 MOD and say something nice about them: ♥ syk0biish ♥ - She is beautiful, she is sweet.. she is one of the best mommies I know, she's just flat out awesome. I have mad love for her. / ♥ xo__paperhearts ♥ - the picture in her profile, was hilarious. I wish I could do the natural look, unfortunately there are some people that can pull it off better than others, her being one of them. / ♥ ♥ seductive_ ♥ - Not trying to sound horribly nasty/perverted, but .. she's freakin' HOTT.. bangbangskeetskeet haha. (sorrrrrrry.. I had to be honest!)
What makes you want to be part of this community and what do you feel you can add to this community ? Well, a few people have told me this community was awesome, so I wanted to hop over here, and find out for myself. As for what I can add to the community... more laughter? I'm pretty good at getting people to laugh .. whether it's at me, or with me.. either way, laughter = good times!
We all are a very close community & friends, unlike others, do you feel you would get along with everyone and add to the closeness ? So long as everyone is respectful.. I don't mind criticism.. but when it gets nasty, I tend to not like it .. as I think just about anyone else feels the same way. :)
How about the MAINTAINER & MODS....... anything nice you would like to say about them: I don't know them personally.. but after going through the info.. I do have to say.. they are all gorgeous. Kinda makes me wonder if I'd belong here.. ahahaha.
How's the app/layout/colors/banners in your opinion: Green is my favorite color.. so, you can pretty much guess that I love the layout and colors. -- And I'd also like to know who did them, so they can email me and we can talk about some web design. lol .. They have mad skills.
How did you find this community or/ who invited you to join ( make sure u put there lj name, that way they are credited for there promoting ): I've heard about it through people on myspace, who have LJ's .. I have no idea what their LJ's are so I can't give them here as credit, HOWEVER - I finally joined after seeing it on syk0biish's info.
sexc_biotch to 1 one person/community and show the link:
heat If you're accepted, which pic do you want on the members page : Hmm.. It honestly doesn't matter to me, sometimes people have good judgement, sometimes they don't.. most of the time I honestly don't. I always lean towards the picture that nobody else likes. LOL
Now post 3 or more clear pics:
I hope these will do!
(these are the only pictures I have left - my other computer is unusable at the moment):