A- Age you lost your virginity: --
B- Band listening to right now: --
C- Crush: --
D- Dad's name: Steven.
E- Easiest person to talk to: It all depends on timing; Jordan, Catalin, Jeff.
F- Favorite ice cream: Not a huge icecream fan; Oreo or Peanutbutter Cup.
G- Gummy worms or gummy bears?: Worms; sour.
H- Hometown: Sammamish, WA.
I- Instruments: Piano.
J- Junior High: Inglewood Jr. High.
K- Kids: --
L- Longest car ride ever: Road trip down the Pacific coast.
M- Mom's name: Carlyn.
N- Nicknames: Not big on nicknames; J
O- One wish: Life were like the movies( i.e. Each current country was a "land"; Harry Potter land, Lord of the Rings land, Jetsons land, etc.)
P- Phobia(s): I try not to focus on fears.
Q-Quote: "We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, we must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely as they will be by the better nature of our angels." or "In Nomine Patris, Et Filli, Et Spiritus Sancti."
R- Reason to smile: Life; healthy relationships, meditation, acceptance, understanding, passion, guilty pleasure, foundation, opinion, etc.
S- Song you sang last: Coldplay-Fix You.
T- Time you woke up today: 12:45 p.m.
U- Unknown fact about me: Unknown to most; I have commited myself to Daoism and Theravada Buddhism.
V- Vegetable you hate: I am not a big fan of artichokes[sp], avacado, and brussel sprouts.
W- Worst habit(s): A lot that I am trying to change and improve on.
X- X-Rays: One or two.
Y- Yummy food: Thai, Italian, BBQ; simple classics.
Z- Zodiac sign: Aries.