I think I'm hooked on postin pictures on here now. This one was sent to me today by my cousin Dillon. It's me 'n him on the beach when we were lil' chaps. Ryan said it looks like a commercial.
Today's been good. I'm kinda tired though cause I didn't sleep much at all last night. I have a door that leads to the inside of one of the attics (weird that we have two i know but that's the way this house is) and this particular side of the attic isn't insulated or anythin so it's purty much like bein outside and with the 60 mph winds we were havin the damn door kept fallin over on me. I rigged it with a box and a bedsheet so everythin is cool now. I don't even think it was that that kept me up I was just upset about a fight I'd had with Ryan and not to mention the 2 mt dews I downed before bed. Heh. Umm, let's seeeee what else. I started a new painting today. It's a cowboy on a horse (how original) and the proportions are way off but I don't even give a damn I'm just gunna keep goin. I used to get bitched at in drawin class because my figure drawing wasn't perfection. "work on your proportions".."that is not even close".."i think you should go back and do that again" bleh. I know they say to be a better artist you have to take criticism but damn lady you're breakin down a house you're not plannin on buildin back. Mean ass woman. She always starred at me when I talked to any guy in the class and everybody else noticed that she was hardest on me. I think she lived to piss me off. Ok I realize none of you know what I'm talking about. I'm off for supper...it's deer meat tonight baby!