That's a fine right hook ye have there, matey, although me parrot an I both be reckonin' it be some kind of godforsaken unnatural mineral not of the sea- consign yer forearm to the briny deep an grab yeself a new hook made of the finest, shiniest purloined silver, I says. Yarr!
Aye, 'tis a sorry shame me arm be sportin' what's known as "plastic", but some lily livered privateer sank me furner, blast 'im! Took all me doubloons to purchase another! But ne'er fear, hearty. I'm an old salt in this sweet trade and 'twill be soon that me arm shines like the North Star, by the powers!
The scurvy swab! I hear some nave by the name o' "Candyman" does a fair trade on some most comely hooks for bucanneers and buckaroos alike. Now this old sea dog be needed below decks, where I'm attemptin' ter train a mob of parasitic Sac Barnacles ter clamp the bervous systems of ye puny talkin' land monkeys instead of wee crabs. Yaaar...
Re: well me lasssexion8September 21 2006, 01:13:05 UTC
Aye, ye look passin' fair this fine day, lass. Methinks t'was yer own natural looks givin' ye t' glow, but yer wedded's natural talent givin' ye t' smile!
Comments 56
That's a fine right hook ye have there, matey, although me parrot an I both be reckonin' it be some kind of godforsaken unnatural mineral not of the sea- consign yer forearm to the briny deep an grab yeself a new hook made of the finest, shiniest purloined silver, I says. Yarr!
The scurvy swab! I hear some nave by the name o' "Candyman" does a fair trade on some most comely hooks for bucanneers and buckaroos alike. Now this old sea dog be needed below decks, where I'm attemptin' ter train a mob of parasitic Sac Barnacles ter clamp the bervous systems of ye puny talkin' land monkeys instead of wee crabs. Yaaar...
ps. i have never been quoted in someones journal before! TOO COOL
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