i havent posted since i was accepted so la dee da.
i'm going to miss summer and i'll post a few random memories. in pictures.
this kid making a fire every night. even if there was a) no wood, b) no fireplace/bonfire thingy, or c) no hospital within a 10 mile radius to heal him when he burned off the few hairs that started growing on his arms.
my best friend suzi. she goes to another school. boo. im on the left.
watching these kids practice (they're in a band,
check them out) weekly
and i'll miss this kid, cause he's going to college in a couple days. as well as the kid in the purple chair with the mohawk. :(
first day jitter: not waking up on time. because i suck at that. and since i just recently got my license they have that stupid law with not having more than 1 person in the car, well yeah i drive 4 of my best friends to school. i'm worried about being pulled over on the first day. -crosses fingers-
Dear Amanda, Abby, Mandie, and Keeley,
As much as I love all 4 of you, you all need to stop bitching. Honestly. We were all "best friends" at one point so that means we obviously all have somethign in common and like something about each other. It seems as if I'm the only one looking at this cleary, not to put myself on a higher pedastole, but the yelling/bitching/moaning/whining has got to end. I'm tired of hearing "she's such a bitch" from each and every single one of my best friends about each and every single one of my best friends. It's not right. The boys are right, we SHOULD act "more like dudes" sometimes. I don't even know why Keeley is involved; Mandie, you are only involved against your will and you should be trying to get out of it instead of weasleling your way back in; Abby, I understand you're confused, cause I'm just as confused; and Amanda, Jesus Christ woman, youare the one taking blame for everything, sorry! STOP THE BITCHING!
Love, Casey
that felt good.