this is the new, updated list of things i want in a woman. have fun!
1. around 5'8" or shorter.
2. mouth: medium-sized lips, longer tongue.
3. chest: depends on body type. a bigger woman should have bigger breasts, whereas a smaller woman should have smaller breasts.
"Girls with big tits have big asses. Girls with little tits have little asses. That's the way it goes. God doesn't fuck around, he's a fair guy. He gave the fatties big, beautiful tits and the skinnies little tiny niddlers. It's not my rule. If you don't like it, call him." --- Rosie O'Donald's quote in the movie "beautiful girls."
4. Ass: see above
5. hair: shoulder length or longer. i like the long hair to either pull on or just comb my fingers through. redhead preference
6. nice eyes. when i get romantic, eyes get important. i dont notice color.
7. nose: nothing too flat. flat noses turn me OFF.
8. color: i only have a preference as to what features naturally go with a certain skin tone. a blonde japanese girl would turn me off.
9. legs: shaved or waxed regularly
1. a job that helps people in some way (can be anything from nurse to musician, something that can help a persons day or life.)
2. able to work well with others.
3. earn enough to not need me for money.
4. not important enough to be only thing in her life.
1. compassionate.
2. loving.
3. caring.
4. sense of humor.
5. giving.
6. understanding.
7. able to see things for what they are.
8. looks to the bright side of things.
9. romantic
10. trust worthy
Additional wants:
1. knows how to be a lady in public (i cannot stress this enough. it's my personal belief that women as a group no longer know how to do this. chivalry may be dead, but so is the reason men where that way in the first place.)
2. a woman who desires more than the "usual" sexual lifestyle. someone who is open to experimenting and having fun WHILE in an exclusive relationship.
3. conversationalist is a plus. able to be interesting and funny while talking.
4. a christian
5. non-smoker
if you know of anyone like this or you yourself are like this and SINGLE!, let me know :) otherwise, thats just too damn bad..
also...for some weird reason i really want to go dancing at a club right now. funny thing is, i usually HATE dancing cause i think i suck at it. odd...