long update...
So, long time no update. Sorry to the “fans,” but it’s been a long few months.
Right now I am in the middle of my second quarter at grad school. Talk about a life changing trip to take. This is unlike anything I have ever experienced. It’s rough and not always the most fun thing in the world, but I do feel pressed to be honest with who I am and what I want to be. (for those I haven’t told, I am going to a non-traditional graduate school that meets in modular settings once and month and uses the students to practice counseling and therapy skills. I will hopefully come out of the program with a master’s in applied behavioral sciences after 2 years of study.)
Work… is still not happening. I swear job hunting sucks. I might have to go back to delivering pizzas for a while, which will truly suck ass. Someone get this damned republican out of office so our social programs can get money again!
Also, for the last month I have been living with my brother and his wife near seattle. It’s not half bad. But the more time I spend at their place, the more they are looking at me to get out and do something. Unfortunately, I don’t know a shit load of people around here, so trips out seem few and far between. And it always seems like I have to drive a bunch to see anyone. I miss the days of having friends down the street to go hang out with (even if they were dicks who back-stabbed on occasion.)
Romantically… I just want to be happy. I don’t have a drought of women in my social life, but it always seems like whatever level I have isn’t enough. Must be something I learned early on, but no matter how many women are in my life I always expect that I should have more (when single, of course.) It’s funny, cause I have stopped telling my family about the women in my life, and because of that my sister is starting to try and hook me up. Like, if I don’t have someone then I must need help getting some. Talk about reinforcing my previous thought!
Religiously… I wish I had more time. I am seriously considering dropping the Christian faith for a while. I don’t know what has kept me in for so long, but whatever it was isn’t working anymore. I don’t know if the judgment and criticism that follow the religion are right for me anymore. I find it odd though that in considering dropping the faith, I am considering talking to a pastor about my feelings. I haven’t sought out religious counsel in years, and never for this reason. But I figure I might as well give the big guy upstairs a chance to help me see the light. Maybe I am missing something BIG.
Oh… and for those that have been wondering… the rope has finally been washed, cut and sewed. It is too damn cool! Next stop: educating myself even more.
Lastly, I am over half way through my latest “sex book.” The title is, “O: The Intimate Story of the Orgasm.” Basically it chronicles the social and biological history of orgasm through the centuries. The wealth of knowledge in the book is amazing, and I highly recommend it. Oh, and for those who keep asking, I’ll jot down a quick list of the books I have read so far in my library of sex. I can’t remember them all and I don’t have many with me, but I bet I can get a few out from my mind.
That’s all for now. Drop a line if you feel like it. Love to hear from you all. You know the number! (and if you don’t, just ask!
Kosher Sex: Rabbi Boteach (religion and sex)
Savage Love: Dan Savage (sex advice from an alt point of view)
The Sexual Life of Catherine M.: Catherine M. (sexual non-fiction)
The Sensual Art of the Female Orgasm
The Multi-Orgasmic Man
Human Sexual Response: Master’s and Johnson (scientific sexual study)
SM 101 (I don’t own it, but I have read it and plan on buying my own copy soon.)
There are many more, but these are my favorite and cover the gambit of sexual study. If you have any questions that can be answered in a book, these will do so. And some will give a great laugh; cause what we need now more than ever is to let comedy (in it’s purest form) into the bedroom. If you can’t laugh at what is funny, you’ll never make it out alive!