Title: Everything in Moderation: Advanced Potions Made Easy [Jigger, A.]
Cast: Cara/Kahlan. Plus Chase, Dahlia, Hogwarts professors, and a few others.
Summary: This is part four of what I've started to call
Anthology. (As it is a collected history of a time at Hogwarts, with titles based off of theoretical textbooks.) Cara prepares for the upcoming
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Comments 24
Also, also, I love Cara as a Hufflepuff :DDD I don't know if I would have chosen that house for her, but it works in your story!!
Hope you can update soon :) maybe get Kahlan to explain some of her erratic behaviour to poor Cara before she gives herself an aneurysm from not caring one way or the other!
I really love Cara as Hufflepuff. I know that it's easy to see her as Slytherin, but I just feel like overall her loyalty -- even when it makes her grimace at the stupidity of the people she's loyal to! -- outweighs her ambition. I also like how she'd have such a chip on her shoulder because of the whole "useless, stupid Hufflepuffs" stereotype. She'd be so inclined to resent every student she meets!
And I hope so too. I'm writing steadily, so hopefully my time off from work will be very productive.
Thanks for reading. :) I'm glad you're enjoying it!
The parchment fight was interesting! As was Dennee's talk with Cara.
Brilliant writing. I love this fic so so much!
Poor Dennee. Her great plan to save her sister from that depraved Hufflepuff didn't go at all like she planned!
Thank you so much. I'm really glad that other people enjoy reading it as much as I like writing it. :)
I'm glad you're enjoying all the feeeeeeeelings, because I'm afraid that Cara REALLY is not. But thanks, dude, I'm glad my Cara comes across as sort of genuine and not just flaily? (God, she would hate THAT too.)
Her stupid face, yes! And her stupid mouth. Which unfortunately Cara and I haven't had nearly enough opportunities to describe.
I FEEL SO BAD FOR CHASE. I mean I guess Cara talks about Quidditch with him and tolerates his interest in inferior teams when he COULD support an all-female team like any sensible person. So if you ask her, it's a pretty even exchange. But if you ask Cara, she's not infatuated with Kahlan. So we don't ask Cara a lot of things.
While I would never go so far as to say that I like, Dahlia, I do like your use of her. So that's something. ( ... )
More is on the way. I'm just writing a LOT for the next part -- feels that way, at least -- so it's going to take a bit longer. But it's coming!
Kahlan is really confusing. And that tension between them! The library session were priceless. Who knew Cara would ever feel compelled to do small talk just because she can't stand the silence. So much for trying to appear aloof and unaffected. It's cute. lol
I hope Dahlia won't turn psycho and that her relationship with Cara will keep evolving into a healthy friendship...
I can't wait for the next installment. Thanks for the update.
I'm actually enjoying writing Dahlia and Cara's interactions a lot -- more than I expected -- and I'm glad that people seem to still dig it. I'm a little surprised by how much she's evolved into an important part of the story, though it makes perfect sense in the end. She's Cara's childhood friend, after all. Still, it's been really interesting and fun playing that out.
And yeah. Hormonal teenage Cara is even worse at pretending not to have emotions, I guess. Especially when annoying Slytherins insist on being MYSTERIOUS but also GORGEOUS and really good kissers.
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