Title: From Hogsmeade to London: My Year Among the Muggles [Quirrell, Q.]
Cast: Cara/Kahlan, with Chase, Dahlia, and others.
Summary: The fifth part of
Anthology. Cara spends her Christmas holidays amongst Muggles. I should probably work on writing more enticing summaries.
Notes: Still a Harry Potter crossover. Around 8,600 words.
Kahlan's tears and Cara's guilt, and what a waste of an afternoon. )
Comments 21
Must admit that I'm getting extremely excited whenever I see a new update of your fanfic. So, for now I'll just be sitting here, waiting :D
I actually think that HP is one of those universes rich enough that it works well with a great many things, but Seeker really seems to fit even better than most. It's been fun.
But I'm really glad that other people liked it too. You're welcome? :D
Well, that revelation just blew a hole in your view of Kahlan, didn't it Cara.
Waiting for more!! :) I am laughing all through this story.
Here is another idea Cara, introduce Richard's sister to Grace.
Wouldn't that be nice?
And yeah, it's so annoying when Kahlan's impossible to predict or fully understand. Which... is often.
As long as your chapters are, they are always too short for me! Just can´t wait for more... :)
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