I seriously came home on the subway CLUTCHING IT TO MY CHEST IN GIRLISH EXCITEMENT. Already finished disk one. I would have watched more but the roommates hijacked the TV for Gilmore Girls and The Search for the Next Pussycat Doll and I had to wait my turn. I am bitter. But yes, I finally got to see The Siege Part III, I've seriously waited like a year. And yeah, Runner (which I think was actually the first episode I ever saw, even though I just caught the end bit and was mostly just like "Is this the Stargate Atlantis the interwebs likes so much? Why is that guy upside down in a tree?") and homemade sunscreen! And Ford! I miss you buddy! But, um, you crazy. Be cool Rainbow. Oh, and Duet (which I also saw snatches of on TV) was still disturbing in the ways I remember it being (I'm sorry but the naked thing is not ok! Those are private moments for private people and just no!) but also had Sheppard asking if McKay was mad at him which I didn't remember and it was ZOMG so adorable. And basically anytime Sheppard was worried about him/looking at him/in the same room as him, I lost my mind. Cause it's been a really long time since I've had new SGA.
I think the roommates were disturbed by my squeals of delight but really in the grand scheme of things, flipping a shit when Lorne and Parish come on screen and I finally understand why people slash their like twelve seconds of screen time is far more important than their mental tranquility. But yeah, Sheppard's look when McKay/Cadman smooches Beckett: Homophobia? Shock? OR EXTREME, GUT WRENCHING JEALOUSY??? OH I THINK YOU KNOW. Oh and Intruder didn't do much for me but that moment when Sheppard and McKay think they're gonna die AND THEY JUST STARE INTO EACH OTHER'S EYES AND WAIT FOR SWEET DEATH? Yeah, I lost my cool, I'm not gonna lie. CLEARLY, they knew what the last thing they wanted to do before they died was. AND THEY WERE LOOKING RIGHT AT IT. OH. SNAPDRAGONS.
Anyway, about my real life (I have one, I swear!); I had Maxine over on Friday and because she refused to see The Number 23 with me (damn her and her standards), we ended up watching American Beauty.
...the gay army dad made me really, really sad and that moment where he's all rained-on and shivering and goes for the kiss? AH, KEVIN SPACEY, COULDN'T YOU JUST LIE BACK AND THINK OF ENGLAND OR SOMETHING? ::sad face:: After I railed against homophobia, the army and the universe for awhile, me and Maxine hit Whole Foods for the eating, watched an episode of Queer as Folk and stumbled over to Starbucks where my new Barista BFFL gave me free coffee AGAIN. My god but I love that man. On Saturday I finished my transfer application for Emerson and then on Sunday I was up till eight in the morning writing three midterm papers. The best part? It turned out two of them weren't due till Wednesday. Sigh. College is hard.
On Monday I wandered around ridiculously tired and punch drunk but I was also easily fascinated by the snow, so that was ok. Today I had a meeting with my dean, did the whole class thing (we're watching Office Space in sociology and I spend Philosophy in a coma, dreaming of Philosophizle '05) and then went to donate blood. And let me say, it was less stressful than I thought it would be. A large latino man pricked my finger and told me I have "fantastic blood pressure." Thank you kind sir, I've always thought so. Then I waited around some more, grasping my medial forms in my sweaty little hands, until they called me over to sit in The Official Blood Taking Chairs. The lady had to dig around in my arm with the needle a bit but they always do that because, even though I'm paler than a living being has any right to be, my veins are strangely reticent. And on that note, it also took me a really long time to fill the bag O' blood and I kept looking at it and trying to decide if I thought it was cool or very disturbing. Eventually they removed the needle and, because I was the last person, I got to listen to their "shenanigans" as they cleaned up and I drank my juice. When I got back to the apartment, I stuffed a lot of food into my mouth cause I was paranoid about passing out or whatever when I went to get THE DVDS. I took the subway down to the Best Buy on Broadway and did a little dance of joy when I found them and then there was yet more food, some coffee and the delighted SGA watching. Mmm, new season, all mine, life is good.
Would the mass of geekery which is this post be complete without a few vid recs? I think not.
Us by
lim - This vid is so many things at once; technically beautiful, astoundingly different, layered in meta and ultimately a love letter to fandom. It's how we explain "us" to ourselves; everything we take and create and discover. I get something new out of this every time I watch it and it never fails to remind me just how much I love our community.
The Wreckoning by
charmax - I've still only seen a few episodes of Heroes but damn, this makes me want to watch the whole thing even more. A fascinating look at the relationship between two people... in the same body. And the fact that it works is a testament to
charmax's talent. Great effects and song selection and yeah, it just kicks ass. Watch now.
Words Fail You by
gwyn-r - Sweet, peaceful vid that made me fall in love with Big Eden, Pike and Henry. But mostly Pike. HE COMMUNICATES LOVE THROUGH FOOD. THE GAYS KNOW HOW IT IS. I highly recommend both the vid and the movie to... everyone. Ever.
In the Mirror by
heresluck - I love Ray Kowalski. Um... coherent details? Shadow boxing! Hair do's! Mountie lovin! Seriously, this vid is beautiful and I love how it plays with the reflection metaphor and returns repeatedly to the theme of them walking together, visually and metaphorically. And any time Ray does something to match the beat of the song I get a very big happy.
I go home on Friday! Yay! But first, many classes, laundry and the dreaded room cleaning. At least I have Stargate Atlantis IMPORTANT REAL LIFE THINGS to live for.