Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What would you do if you found out
thankyoubear has a crush on you? SCRUB, SCRUB UNTIL THE SIN CAME OFF
2) If
eight_days had a superpower, what would it be? Big bulging man muscles/mad guns
3) How long would
lovemeaight dating
pfair last? Lol, as long as it took Jacob and Paul to get their manly acts together. STICK 'EM IN THE KITCHEN AND TAKE THEIR SHOES BEFORE THEY ALL BECOME SHE-MALE LESBIANS!
4) What is
dearworld_sorry's favorite band/artist? Right now? Rachael Yamagata, I think. Normally? JOURNEY ALL THE WAY!!!
5) What video game does
eight_days remind you of? I've only ever play Super Mario and Donkey Kong. Lmao, I can definitely see Maxine throwing those barrels. Javelin reference, yay!
6) If
xpressed took over the world, who would be happy? EVERYONE. Cause she would be a kind and benevolent ruler.
7) What is
thankyoubear's shoe size? I don't even know my OWN shoe size! Geez, let's cool it with the pressure here.
8) Where would
way_uncool most like to visit? HELL
9) What is
lovemeaight's favorite food? Um... humble pie? OH YEAH, I WENT THERE
10) What do you disagree with
way_uncool about? Look, if your going to send Sean over here in the sailor outfit, you gotta at least warn me, I can't keep buying new basement doors.
11) What languages does
lovemeaight speak? The language of pale, anemic love
12) Where was
lovemeaight born? Ummmmmmm, Boston? Ireland? BRITAIN, I.E. THE BELLY OF THE BEAST???
13) One thing you can't stand about
lovemeaight? The constant sexual harassment
14) Do
aucontraire148 and
xpressed go to the same school? You KNOW! '06 ALL THE WAY!
15) What comic book character would
eight_days be? Super Woman!
16) Would
pfair and
dearworld_sorry make a good couple? JACOB, WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT THE SHOES???
17) What exotic animal would
pfair like as a pet? MEEEEE
18) What word best describes
lovemeaight? PALE
19) If
lovemeaight took over the world, who would suffer? MEEEEE
20) Do you have
xpressed's screenname? Like, on IM? Nope, she don't love me none.
way_uncool's hair color? Depends on the month. ...OWNED!
22) Would
pfair be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate all the way. You work that eye patch Pari!
23) What animal should
xpressed be combined with? ...none? I'm not playing into this sick kink, YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!
24) Are
way_uncool and
pfair married? ... JACOB = CUCKOLD
25) What rank would
pfair have in a giant robot army? Lieutenant Colonel Sexy