Uh oh guys, graduation picture time. GET OUT THE HANKIES AND/OR POPPERS. ...what? I know you were all thinking it.
OH SIX NATION!!! On a related note: My GOD but we're a sexy class.
Jake throws the horns up... and fills me with black shame.
My bro. Making rude hand gestures? ::is disturbed::
I totally graduated. Yeah, I don't quite believe it either. But it happened, I swearz. I would even go as far as to say "I GRADUATED THE SHIT OUT OF THAT BHS HO!" Or something.
Me and Kyle. See how I put my hat on his head? That is the kind of wacky hijinks we Reeves are famous for. It's a 24 hour party over here in my gene pool.
Teh Family.
But legit yo, everyone better go to the 10 year reunion. And be really fat. HANDS IN, FAT IN '16, YOU KNOW!!!
Lastly, getting a job requires actual effort. And we all know how I feel about that. Anyone willing to pay me to hang around their house naked?
P.S. MMM, amazon.com shipment = rainbows and puppies. Curse of womanhood = DEATH!!!