Basic stuff
Name: Krissy
Age: 15.5
Location: Washington
Gender: Female
Top 3 favorite...
bands/artists: Britney spears, Chrtistina Aguilera, Alicia Keys
movies: Armaggedon (sp?), The Ring <3, nemo :D
things about your body: Hair, eyes, lips?
Top 3 least favorite
bands/artists: hilary duff, lindsay lohan, jlo.
movies: Mona Lisa Smile, the prince and me, umm any movie with hilary in it :D
things about your body: my weight :(, my height :'(, braces..
Opinions on...
George W. Bush: Ehhhh ew. I don't like him. I think he's basically the worst president in US history. Plus the fact that he's against gay marriage is totaly outrageous. Anyone should be able to get married to the person they love.. no matter what the person's sex is.
abortion: Personally, I'm against it but I think a woman has a right to choose if she wants the baby or not and it shouldn't be illegal.
pre-marital sex: neutral.. if you love someone why not? But it's always better to wait until you're married so =\
drinking/drugs: a little bit of drinking is okay.. but i am against drugs.
Where did you promote this community?: My lj
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