Basic stuff
Name: Marissa
Age: 17
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Gender: Female
Top 3 favorite...
bands/artists: Goo Goo Dolls, Incubus & The Smashing Pumpkins
movies: She Devil, Evil Dead Trilogy & Shrek 2 :)
things about your body: my eyes, hands and feet :P
Top 3 least favorite
bands/artists: Lizzie McGuire, 50 cent & Sean Paul
movies: Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, New York Minute & Legally Blonde 2
things about your body: my tummy, legs
Opinions on...
George W. Bush: honestly, i don't keep up with politics. i think the president has a rough road ahead of him. Nobody wants war but at times it is unavoidable. i wish things could happen without a war. i'm against the war in Iraq. On a lighter note, does anyone like Micheal Moore? i do ;)
abortion: i'm sorry if this offends anyone. on moral grounds, i feel abortion is wrong unless an 11 year old was raped, then it is necessary to have an abortion. if you had a chance to live why not give somone else that chance. no one has the right to choose to take a life. but overall, i think that abortion is the woman's choice :)
pre-marital sex: i'm definetely not against it. however, this may sound cliche but i still do think that people should wait until they met the "one". if you decide to wait, it will take great courage and strength. if you decide not to wait, you will never know what you missed. you cannot have it both ways.
drinking/drugs: drinking is okay. it's how the drinker consumes it. though some drugs (or all drugs) are addictive, popping an "E" once in a while is ok. i know that nobody will agree with me, sorry. i do enjoy the rave scene once in awhile. what they say is true, there are bad side effects and they do f*ck you up, but just overnight (it really depends on the person). unless you do it on every other weekend, that's a different story. i'm really sorry if this is very offensive.
Where did you promote this community?: my lj
3 pictures:
Me on the left
Me in the middle