Name: Rachael
Age: 17
Location:Huntington Beach, CA
Sexual Preference: straight
Single or taken[ pics please! ]:
taken by this boy
Myspace URL:
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=1876292 *Favorites (at least 5 of each)
Food: sushi, cinnabons, peaches and plums, prime rib, pumpkin pie
Books: Gossip Girls, The A-List, A Seperate Peace, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The It Girl
Movies: Pirates, Dirty Dancing, The Girl Next Door, Garden State, Northshore
Stores:Nordstroms, Hollister, Saks, Icara, Guess, Bloomingdales
Websites:Myspace, Livejournal. thats all haha
Who's your biggest celeb crush?: Justin Timberlake and George Clooney. no one can compare
Who's your role model & why?: Honestly, i dont relly knwo. there are different traits that i admire in different people, but i dont really have a role model.
List 3 interesting facts about yourself: i am ambidexterous, my bf is the complete opposite of my "type" i think i might have slight OCD.
Make us laugh:what do you call a cow with no legs?
ground beef.
sry im not good with that stuff
Why should we accept you?:I am very active :)
Promote us to at least 2 places:
http://island-bay-chum.livejournal.com/6243.html?mode=replyhttp://community.livejournal.com/00000promotions/1923502.html *Picture Time
Post at least 6-10 clear pictures of yourself.
7. This one's a little blurry....