You look like...

Dec 27, 2005 05:50

-[Stolen from Hilary's MySpace]-

google it...
"(Your name) looks like"
Google the phrase "(Your name) looks like" and find the best one from the first page of results. Don't forget to put it in quotes, otherwise it won't work. Add yours to the bottom of the list and repost.

1. "Hoagy looks like he could have Beaten you senseless" - nice lol!

2. "Natasha looks like a terrorist"

3. Sherri~~ looks a little pale at first, she looks like a moon zombie???

4. "Gemma looks like the red one teletubby there...the big head"
"Gemma looks like a doll....complete with vacant stare!"
"Gemma looks like Chucky" .... hmmm I think there's a theme going on here ....

5. "Seldon looks like an aging scholar, dressed often in white or light
grey robes, with his white wood staff always at hand." wow. so accurate.

6. "Magdalena looks like an advertisement for the new horror flick, "The Grudge".

7. "Rebecca looks like an everyday mall-girl." LOL do I ?;)

8. "Michiel ziet eruit Als een verzopen kat in nette-maar-niet-te-nette kleding. Allemaal lipstick-afdrukken over zijn gezicht en bang om op te vallen " - LOL

9. "Jasmine looks like she's turning into a balloon or
something of the sort. I noticed that and thought it was kind of funny"- hahahaha

10: Ricardo looks like the most deliciously wicked good man ever.
(Ah thank you google !!)

11: Ami looks like that one girl on hiyi puffy amiyumi.

12: victor looks like johnny

13:"Dawn looks like her body was made for loving, ripe and juicy enough to eat."

14: "Danielle looks like she wants a kiss... lol.. so give her a kiss".. or I like this one too.. "Danielle looks like the Devil"

15: Christi looks like she's been violated, but in a good way, and
you've got the look of "Yes, I was the one who did it

16.Jeremy looks like a sick toad. "like a sick toad" is a prepositional phrase.

17. Amy looks like she's about two rhinestones away from a wardrobe malfunction.

18. Jon looks like a tool while Pickles get lucky.

19. Carol looks like she belongs in a department store window. -Hahaha

20. Aaron looks like an evil vampire. oh man oh man - the best one ever

21.Paige looks like such a loon with her power puff girl hair! LOZLOZLKEIJW.

22.Sarah looks like someone punched her in the mouth, but I still think she is pretty."

23. "Lauren looks like she has heard of smiling but she isn't sure of the technique, but she still looks cute." or "Lauren doesn't look like a slut. Yea, she's a cheerleader, and yea, she hangs out with Lindsey, but Lauren looks like a psychologist, not a slut."

24. Ashley looks like she's been hanging out with Courtney Love a little bit too long. Someone needs to tell her the white trash whorish look went out when Madonna changed her look in the 80s.

25. James- "Oral History Transcript." I don't know who they have been talking to.

26. "Sharon looks like a winner," fuck yeah! AND "Sharon looks like she's about to flip out." Word.

27. Holly - "Holly looks like" a stripper from the 80's Heyyyyyyyy Holly! ... Holly looks like a glorified pornstar.....Gotta love the

28." Heather looks like coke whore drag-queen Michael Jackson impersonator." Hey, what can I say?

29. Demolition Man looks like a retarded version of George Foreman in his youth

30. Monica looks like a lightweight bodybuilder.

31. Kelly - "Kelly looks like the White STripes drummer chick after somebody put a bicycle pump up her ass and started filling with air."

32: Mathias-"Matt looks like some He-Man, some He-Man miscellaneous man figure. Some duct tapeooh, he has a battery that time! Wait, what's the thing that he says? ... LMAO

33. Stephanie looks like a natural on her first climb ever. ........ Hummm okay???

34. Danimal- "Danny looks like he does not give a fuck"

35. Relax Bitch-- "Cate looks like woman of the year "

36. Pope Bongo the 1st: "Bongo looks like "Pizza the Hut" [from "Space Balls"]"

37 "Dannii looks like she's just come Home from a night out at the club and is glad
to get her dancing shoes OFF" - BarbadosPearl

38. "Joshua looks like a fairly typical "angstful" teenager at first glance. He dresses in dark clothing, wears boots, etc. The most noticeable difference is that he's constantly doing tricks with whatever he's holding." <--um.. o.k. but i'm far from a teenager. The Marquis

39. "Joe looks like he should be onstage with Menudo or Nsync or something."

40. Jennifer looks like a horse. Jennifer looks like a man as usual. WHAT THE FUCK!!!! LMAO!

41. Matt looks like he has just had some speed and is tripping on acid. HA! If you only knew the half of it.

42. Mary looks like sinead o'connor with hair.

43. "Kate looks like a crack-whore." Yeah thanks a hell of a lot Kate Moss.

44. Melissa looks like a piece of plain, trailer park trash in desperate need of a tan, but at least she couldnt be mistaken for a bum in need a good scrubbing

45. "Hilary looks like a fucking Barbie doll on cocaine!" Oh, too true.

46. "Jerry looks like a psycho! Jerry looks Good! Jerry looks like a serial killer!"

-Jerry looks like a stuffed toy, quite large for a plushie, about two feet from head to feet, a big blue gumdrop shape of sorts with bulging white eyes and a wobbly stitched-on smile. It looks like one of those Japanese slime or jelly creatures that seem to be prevalent in console RPGs.
-Jerry looks like he could play Badass #3 in a 70s chop-socky flick, doesn't he?
-Jerry looks like Alfred from Batman. ^^;. Or Norman in Big O.
-Jerry looks like a future Heracles
-Jerry looks like hell, almost as bad as Hugh and me, and we've been up for an
hour or so getting things ready.
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