
Aug 06, 2014 22:28

Hi everyone,,I just had to pop onto LJ today to renew my account,,I just couldn't let it expire ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

shadownyc August 6 2014, 13:06:00 UTC
It's wonderful watching our families "grow up" during our time on LJ. It's wonderful to read how great your children are doing.

Paris looks fabulous and I bet she'll be a star!!! :D


7wildwaysup August 6 2014, 13:10:31 UTC
It's great to hear from you, and find out how you and you're family are doing... Paris really is developing into a beautiful young lady... I'm sure you must be proud...

Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen ♥♥♥


guavejuice August 6 2014, 13:48:41 UTC
Jackie!! *back_hug*
Sooo great to see you here! So glad to know you renewed your LJ account after all ;)
Glad to know all is well with you and your family.
OMG, look at Miss. Paris!! I can't believe how grown up she looks. Good luck with everything.
Take care my dear. Miss you here
*hugs you tight*


kinwad August 6 2014, 16:55:42 UTC
So great to see a post from you, Jackie! Glad you renewed! Amazing how much your family has grown! Stay well, hon! *hugs*


later2nite August 6 2014, 17:23:16 UTC
Hi, Jackie! So great to see you here on LJ. Paris is growing up and beautiful as ever.



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