a question

Nov 24, 2005 15:45

So this whole being in germany thing is giving me a bit of thinging time and growing up and all that really nice stuff. And I am really starting to think about something.... Thanksgiving is tomorrow... and as most of you that know me really well know that thanksgiving was a bad day for me when my dad was dying(how ever it is spelled, sorry losing ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

yoyomankind November 25 2005, 02:52:37 UTC
i know it's a tough time for you, i can only imagine. when you get back to the states, you and i are going to watch a movie called Donnie Darko, and trust me, you'll understand after that movie how everything does happen for a reason. it's a very powerful movie. in the mean time, i love you very much and will always be here for you. i wish you a wonderful thanksgiving, filled with thoughts of those you love, and i hope to hear from you too. i won't be on icq until monday, so feel free to email me if you wanna chat. yoyomankind@wi.rr.com love ya

<3 tim


yageobie December 15 2005, 07:59:13 UTC
I suppose everything does happen for a reason. Even if stuff seems completely random, perhaps it was meant to be that way. I believe there is a purpose for everything happening when it does. If it doesn't than it either wasn't meant to be or there is an alternate purpose for it. Whether or not this makes any sense is beyone me...its really early in the morning and I should be sleeping cause I have an exam in a few hours.

Hope you are doing well all the way over there in Germany...things here in dah U.P. are going really well. Hope to see you soon, and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year if I don't hear from you.


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