Well i havent been in here in awhile. Sorry (in case anyone actually cared) but i have been doing great. I recently began to write again. I'm going to put a couple things on here. Any feedback would be appreciated...thanx.
Mind full of words, pencil full of lead
Yet the paper remains empty
I haven't written in nearly 9 months
What has changed in me that I no longer express myself?
I feel like I’ve turned my shoulder on my first love
My love that’s been there for me thru the bad and the good
The love that got me thru my 1st heartbreak
The love that got me thru my teenage years
But how do I thank thee?
I put my love in a drawer, closed and unaltered
So many nights I heard the cry of my love
So many nights I pushed the sounds away
I immersed myself in my new love, my mistress…music
But the more and more I saw my mistress,
The more I missed my real love.
My mistress beckoned for me to leave her
And go back to my maiden love
So here I am,
My heart and my hand haven’t moved this fast in awhile
It feels real good to be back
I missed you first love
I hope you accept my apology and take me back
I’ll never leave you again…I promise
“Carpe Diem”
When the sun came up this morning, not only a new day was born
But a new man along with it
A man who was shedding his boyish past
Moving on to hopefully a better life
No questions like “I wonder what would’ve happened if…?”
Or “man I wish I had done…”
A man living life to the fullest
A man who’s philosophy is carpe diem
This now grown up man has never been completely happy
To many years of life consumed by his fears
To many times where he was to scared to do…everything
Instead he sat their with a fake smile while the world passed him by
He saw his friends take chances
He saw them cry from failure and smile from success
He saw them at their highest and their lowest
But he longer will be a viewer
He has decided to be a participant
He’s realized that the bad that comes with the good,
Is much better that the nothing he’s felt for years
To many things have passed him by
He woke up this morning a new man
A new man.
Walking blindfolded through life
Bumping into everything
But I can’t take the blindfold off with my own hands
So I just keep walking not seeing anything ahead
Without seeing, I don’t understand
Without understanding, I’m afraid to feel
I’m afraid to feel because to much is unknown
How can I feel comfortable about the unknown?
Everyone else seems to be able to do this
Did they attend a class where they learned how?
I walk around hoping to find all this out
But to find out I must see
But I can’t see with this fucking blindfold on my eyes!
I think I’m going to have to learn to see through this blindfold
I think I’m going to have to learn to feel, to trust, to be comfortable…
Fuck it, I’d rather keep walking around blindfolded.
(here’s one I wrote a long time ago that I recently found)
That feeling of loneliness is becoming almost to much to bear
So many people all around me
So many faces and voices
But I’ve never felt more isolated.
I walk around with the smile on my face
But that’s the only place it is…on my face
My heart is much more bleak
Much more blue than I let on
I can admit it…I’m not happy
Why do I feel guilty for saying that?
Not meaning to sound cliché, but I have so much to be happy for
Yet I feel the way I do
It’s to the point where I see people smiling
And I want to throw a rock at their face
Why are they “lucky” enough to be happy?
I’m tired of being the best friend
No matter what I do it’s the same outcome
I’m the guy that girls come to for advice on their latest crush
Do they understand how hard it is to say,
“Go for it Stacy,” knowing I want them to be mine
Do they know how hard it is to fake being happy for people
When I find that special someone for them to hold onto,
While I go back to my room only to hold myself.
I’m tired of it
I wanna be through with it all
I want to accept that I will always be the unhappy matchmaker
Who sits alone while the new couple has their fun
I’m just so burned out, I’m done, I’m just…