read this bitch: woke up layin next ta ashley ;) haha j/k but really i did. umm around 10:25ish then we went online and talked to ernie and tanner and then they called big suprise! lol talked for a long time yesh we did. then yea we went downstairs to eat some lunch/breakfast yumyum ashley was readin the newspaper lmao. yea then we
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Comments 9
lmao that was soo funny u were like WTF!? lol yea then tanner told me to give him a present too lol. yes.2maro.you.me.and other ppl ;)
yea u kind forgot to take u finger off the shift there *<3
<33333 lol loving ur background :D
gotta love those endless nights of no sleep ;) muahah well wouldn't THEY like to know.
love ya ash.
hahah yea i was like wth??!?!?!? what present did he want YOU to give him? ;) hahaha.
tomorrow.me.you. otherpeople? as in two? :O
haha my bad yo. <333*
ill make ur bg in a minute lol.
oh yes. endless nights=heaven hahah. THEY would like to know!
duh nuh nuh nuh nuh...do do! duh nuh nuh nuh nuh...do do! <-- peanut butter commercial haha. so funny
love yah kad. ?
haha but u shoulda saw ur face when u were on the phone u were like "uhh WUT?!" yes yes thooooseee people ;) our lovers hahahaha NO! yea anytime would be nice sista haha. i keep like checking it too see if u changed anything but NOOOOOO gotta be lazy and do urs 1st and make me suffer lol. j/k.
but man those nights are HOTT ;) hah memories i'll treasure forever. and when i'm older if i ever hear someone say ur name i'll think "waooh man that girl is good in bed" haha.
<3 we gotta talk on the phone all 3 1/2 of us again. lol
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