u's a trick trick. and i mean that in a good way. remember when we went to greek town and i got home at 4 am and i thought it was midnight? weird. boston's not gonna know what hit her. and thank god we're all able to walk around while we're there. i'll never take my ability to be able to walk around a city for granted. time to go eat some chicken.
before i leave u tho, i was watching "YES DEAR" on TBS and the dads took their kids to the park and it was a very hot day and the one redneck dad wanted to leave the park and go to the casino and this is what he said to the wuss dad to get him to go to the casino: "It's so hot, even the Iranian kids are getting out of the sandbox"
Just wanted to say I lover our little Gina too! What goes around comes around though. People who make it their goal in life to hurt others wind up getting hurt in the end. Karma's a bitch yo!
That's all really. Other than the fact that you two bitches have yet to pass out on my floor. Bastardges.
Hey, did you find the wedding video? Seriously, I'll pay you whatever for it. Just let me know how much the tapes and whatnot cost. My family who taped it are gay and I don't really talk to them.
Comments 11
before i leave u tho, i was watching "YES DEAR" on TBS and the dads took their kids to the park and it was a very hot day and the one redneck dad wanted to leave the park and go to the casino and this is what he said to the wuss dad to get him to go to the casino:
"It's so hot, even the Iranian kids are getting out of the sandbox"
LOVE IT enough to rub it.
That's all really. Other than the fact that you two bitches have yet to pass out on my floor. Bastardges.
Hey, did you find the wedding video? Seriously, I'll pay you whatever for it. Just let me know how much the tapes and whatnot cost. My family who taped it are gay and I don't really talk to them.
You two bitches call me so we can hang out.
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