Camp is going. I am still single. Expenses are piling up. Oh, and bit by bit I'm losing my best friend but he is intent on not seeing it. Such is life I suppose.
One of my biggest pet peeves has got to be friends that don't return my phone calls for almost a week. Especially when they're supposed to be my best friend. And when the best excuse that they can come up with is that they were "self-absorbed" over the weekend. With friends like that, no wonder I feel like I've got no one to lean on.
Bah... I can't sleep. I'm worried about the possibility that I won't be able to get off work to work at camp this summer after all. Everyone cross your fingers for me, I should have a final answer in a few days. Grrrr... this is stressful.
Just found out that my sister is pregnant again. I'm excited. Since I'm not at a point where I can handle a baby of my own it'll be nice to have one around so that I don't feel any urge to start procreating. Cause life is good enough just like it is right now.
I love children just as much as anyone, if not more, so what I have to say may sound odd to some of you... But does anybody else find the amount of attention that Quadrevion and Purvis are getting to be unusual? Something seems highly suspect to me.
Something's wrong but I'm not sure what. I have an inkling, but if I'm right there's really nothing I can do to fix it at the present time. So instead I'll just have to try and distract myself. This could be risky.