here are some pictures from san diego...there are kind of alot...watev they're tight....haha
Our Room
the sara haha
room service...aka the best shit ever.
the really colorful hall.....sweet shit.
the harry potter room!!
Other Shit
sweet mosaic crocadile!
the shit. best water. best soda. best whoa
best friends forever (saras mom and me)
oh god haha..after a sweet balcony sesh. haha
a night out on the town...a magical one at that,
about this....shit happens. haha
the mom was wearing a matching dress.
im gonna be honest...this guy, was tight
occupation:a real OG hah
love that guy
what a pimp
i REALLY liked the seals
i had never seen a seal poop. i got front row...(aka the highlight of the trip,,...other than this one time)hah whatev
aww its a walrus!
mk thats enough of that
this is saras new dog carly its so fucking cute..i love that hsit. haha but its sick :(
i love these girls. alot. ahahha those pictures will have to come after camp haha.
ps....i leave tomorrow!!!! im so pumped for camp i love that shit....alot. YESSSSSSSS peace out