I've heard rumours today that people are gonna get Sam Taylor back for being such a turd-wipe and stealing all the P plates. Don't have your name out there as being a stealer or they might do you over too :P
i have that song!! the roxanne one, and all the rest of the moulin rouge stuff . i hope mandas got more exciting after i left. damn we really killed the conversation with our talk of vaginas. it is their fault they asked WHORES!! i only just realised when my pop came to visit how horny old people still are. my poppy is such a masogynistic old bastard he said "if a woman isn't fuck-able she isn't even worth bothering with" what an arse.
I'm just letting you know that I'm 'suspending' my journal until my final exam (October 28) when I'll open it up again. I need to study and my journal's too distracting.
Comments 12
My god that would have been embaressing.
Everyone was laughing at me haha, oh well, I shouldn't run out of P plates for a while...
I only took a few! haha, I heard that Emma Gregs was also stealing them or something...
i hope mandas got more exciting after i left. damn we really killed the conversation with our talk of vaginas. it is their fault they asked WHORES!!
i only just realised when my pop came to visit how horny old people still are. my poppy is such a masogynistic old bastard he said "if a woman isn't fuck-able she isn't even worth bothering with" what an arse.
Haha, your pop is funny, you're whole family must be sex induced - including you, woman! =P
that is all
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