Dancing et le nouveau jig! ROXANNNNEEEE (you don't have to put on that red light!)

Sep 17, 2005 13:48

Ah, i'm really getting so lazy with this whole thing I get so distracted with other crap ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

dillson_wylde September 17 2005, 08:52:05 UTC
Who is this Mr X trevor? :P

My god that would have been embaressing.


sexytrevy September 18 2005, 08:16:46 UTC
Trandré haha, now they're too embarrassed to ring my home phone in case mum picks up! =P


dillson_wylde September 17 2005, 09:01:42 UTC
It was also hilarious when you took the P plates. Hahaha


sexytrevy September 18 2005, 08:17:43 UTC
Mrs Searson = Whore.
Everyone was laughing at me haha, oh well, I shouldn't run out of P plates for a while...


sniper_24 September 19 2005, 11:13:01 UTC
I've heard rumours today that people are gonna get Sam Taylor back for being such a turd-wipe and stealing all the P plates. Don't have your name out there as being a stealer or they might do you over too :P


sexytrevy September 19 2005, 11:30:25 UTC
Hmm, I hope not =P
I only took a few! haha, I heard that Emma Gregs was also stealing them or something...


1_goldfish_bowl September 18 2005, 07:47:49 UTC
i have that song!! the roxanne one, and all the rest of the moulin rouge stuff .
i hope mandas got more exciting after i left. damn we really killed the conversation with our talk of vaginas. it is their fault they asked WHORES!!
i only just realised when my pop came to visit how horny old people still are. my poppy is such a masogynistic old bastard he said "if a woman isn't fuck-able she isn't even worth bothering with" what an arse.


sexytrevy September 18 2005, 08:18:38 UTC
Can I please borrow the Moulin Rouge CD =D
Haha, your pop is funny, you're whole family must be sex induced - including you, woman! =P


1_goldfish_bowl September 18 2005, 08:31:37 UTC
yeah, or i could send you the songs over msn? whatever suits you.


1_goldfish_bowl September 18 2005, 08:50:35 UTC


mongrelcats September 18 2005, 09:39:51 UTC
dancing was awesome..

that is all


dani_danoz September 28 2005, 03:40:24 UTC
I'm just letting you know that I'm 'suspending' my journal until my final exam (October 28) when I'll open it up again. I need to study and my journal's too distracting.



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