[00:39] Dreem Factory: oh cool
[00:39] Dreem Factory: this script dont make no sense tho
[00:39] Wolfen: How didn't it?
0:40] Dreem Factory: well i guess it does
[00:40] Dreem Factory: who r ur favorite filmakers?
[00:41] Wolfen: tarentino, robert zemeckis
[00:42] Dreem Factory: cool who else?
[00:43] Wolfen: As far as directors go, those are the ones people will know who I'm talking about lol
[00:44] Dreem Factory: ok but who else?
[00:44] Wolfen: Courtney Hunt
[00:44] Dreem Factory: whos that?
[00:45] Wolfen: She's only done one movie so far, "Frozen River"
[00:45] Wolfen: Favorite movie from last year
[00:45] Dreem Factory: whats a frozen river lol
[00:45] Wolfen:
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0978759/[00:46] Dreem Factory: ive never heard of it
[00:47] Dreem Factory: r u sure it doesnt suck?
[00:47] Wolfen: I've watched it quite a few times, and was nominated for 2 oscars... so I think I'm correct in what I say lol
[00:48] Dreem Factory: haha ok
[00:48] Dreem Factory: but wait wasnt that her 1st movie?
[00:48] Wolfen: Yup
[00:48] Dreem Factory: how can she be 1 of ur fav filmakers if shes only made 1 movie
[00:48] Dreem Factory: lol
[00:48] Wolfen: She's got an eye, wrote and directed quite a piece
[00:50] Dreem Factory: i think ur kinda poser
[00:50] Dreem Factory: u dont know anything about movies do u?
[00:50] Dreem Factory: lol
[00:50] Wolfen: Do you sir? lol
[00:50] Dreem Factory: yes
[00:50] Wolfen: Lets hear your knowledge :P
[00:51] Dreem Factory: what?
[00:52] Wolfen: You say you know about movies, so I'm just asking
[00:52] Dreem Factory: well, movies have been around for over 100 years now
[00:52] Wolfen: Bout that yeah
[00:53] Dreem Factory: and ur 3 fav directors are all hollywood ppl from the last 10 yrs?
[00:53] Dreem Factory: WTF???!!!
[00:53] Wolfen: Yes
[00:53] Wolfen: Not that I don't like Hitchcock or others
[00:53] Wolfen: I love those guys, but my current influences are what matter most to me
[00:54] Dreem Factory: what about foreign movies?
[00:55] Wolfen: Yes, I love my Ang Lees and such
[00:55] Wolfen: And miyazaki
[00:55] Wolfen: Damn he's awesome
[00:55] Dreem Factory: ang lee isnt foreign is he?
[00:55] Wolfen: Uhhh
[00:55] Dreem Factory: hes american
[00:55] Wolfen: He's from China
[00:56] Dreem Factory: but he makes movies in america
[00:56] Wolfen: He didn't always
[00:56] Wolfen: Crouching Tiger: Hidden Dragon was his big break
[00:56] Wolfen: Then he make Lust the other year
[00:56] Wolfen: Chinese film
[00:57] Dreem Factory: but what about the ice storm?
[00:58] Wolfen: He's made american movies yes
[00:58] Wolfen: That's where the money is
[00:58] Wolfen: Most directors do eventually
[00:59] Wolfen: Look at Alfonso Cuaron
[00:59] Dreem Factory: whos that?
[01:00] Wolfen: Children of Men, E Tu mama Tambien, Harry Pattor and the Prisoner of Azkaban
[01:00] Wolfen: *potter
[01:00] Dreem Factory: oh
[01:00] Dreem Factory: but why is the $ in america
[01:00] Dreem Factory: i dont get it?
[01:01] Wolfen: Because we watch more movies then any other country
[01:01] Wolfen: And we're so diverse, you can release anything here
[01:01] Dreem Factory: really?
[01:02] Wolfen: Unless it isn't PC of course
[01:02] Dreem Factory: i dunno
[01:02] Dreem Factory: i dont think u know anything about movies
[01:02] Dreem Factory: lol
[01:03] Wolfen: I know more then you'll ever know unfortunately
[01:03] Dreem Factory: really? wait do u really think so?
[01:03] Wolfen: Yes, very much
[01:04] Dreem Factory: how many movies have u watched in your life?
[01:04] Wolfen: Damn... a hell of a lot
[01:04] Dreem Factory: well...ive watched at least 200
[01:04] Wolfen: That's not very many
[01:04] Dreem Factory: u havent seen more than that im sure
[01:05] Wolfen: You're 21 right? That's an average of 10 a year
[01:05] Wolfen: And it dosen't matter the number, you gotta study them. Read the scripts, know what makes them work
[01:07] Dreem Factory: but u dont know anything about the history of movies
[01:07] Dreem Factory: do u?
[01:07] Dreem Factory: and foreing movies?
[01:07] Wolfen: I do, I learn what I can
[01:08] Dreem Factory: where did u go to school?
[01:08] Wolfen: Columbia
[01:09] Dreem Factory: did u get a degree?
[01:09] Wolfen: Negitory
[01:09] Dreem Factory: oh yeah
[01:09] Dreem Factory: cool
[01:10] Dreem Factory: only dorks get degrees
[01:10] Wolfen: Heh
[01:11] Dreem Factory: have u ever made a porno movie?
[01:11] Wolfen: Can't say that I have
[01:11] Dreem Factory: hehe
[01:11] Dreem Factory: do u want to make one with me?
[01:12] Wolfen: I think I'm cool, thanx
[01:13] Dreem Factory: do u even like movies?
[01:14] Dreem Factory: or do u just say that to pick up girls?
[01:14] Wolfen: I write screenplays, of course I like movies
[01:15] Dreem Factory: i dunno i kinda think ur a poser
[01:15] Wolfen: You're free to think whatever you like man
[01:15] Dreem Factory: if u liked movies u would know about pornos
[01:16] Wolfen: I can't say I know much about pornos
[01:16] Wolfen: Haven't spent much time with them... maybe you could educate me
[01:16] Wolfen: What IS your favorite movie anyway?
[01:17] Dreem Factory: umm...probably Boondock Saints
[01:17] Dreem Factory: its a masterpiece
[01:17] Wolfen: You like Donnie Darko too don't you
[01:18] Dreem Factory: yeah! why do u ask?
[01:18] Wolfen: You've just lost all credability
[01:18] Dreem Factory: lol wait why?
[01:18] Wolfen: That movie was shit
[01:18] Wolfen: Didn't run in any particular sequence
[01:19] Wolfen: Poorly shot
[01:19] Dreem Factory: donny darko is a masterpiece of modern cinema
[01:19] Wolfen: It's not, it's just... dumb
[01:20] Wolfen: That's all I can say
[01:20] Dreem Factory: no way man!
[01:20] Dreem Factory: i bet u like Inglorious Basterds
[01:20] Wolfen: Yes, because it was a pretty good film
[01:21] Wolfen: Christoph Waltz will get an Oscar nomination
[01:21] Wolfen: Maybe Tarintino as well
[01:21] Dreem Factory: do u ever masturbate while u watch it?
[01:23] Dreem Factory: i say it and i waz masturbatin
[01:23] Wolfen: I will when the DVD comes out
[01:23] Dreem Factory: lol really?
[01:23] Wolfen: Definately
[01:23] Dreem Factory: oh cool
[01:23] Dreem Factory: so do u have any drugs?
[01:23] Wolfen: Can't say I do
[01:24] Dreem Factory: do u like sex and the city?
[01:24] Wolfen: I wanted to rip my eyelids out
[01:25] Dreem Factory: when it ended? yeah me too
[01:25] Dreem Factory: i was soo sad
[01:25] Dreem Factory: i wish it would last forever
[01:25] Wolfen: Whenever that show came on
[01:25] Wolfen: It's just...
[01:25] Wolfen: ughhh
[01:25] Wolfen: I guess since I'm not female I don't understand
[01:25] Dreem Factory: lol
[01:25] Dreem Factory: i want to have sex with you
[01:26] Wolfen: How high are you right now sir?
[01:26] Dreem Factory: lolr
[01:26] Dreem Factory: REALLY high
[01:26] Wolfen: I thought so
[01:26] Dreem Factory: but i wish i was higher
[01:26] Dreem Factory: can u help me
[01:26] Wolfen: Can't help you on that
[01:26] Dreem Factory: please?
[01:26] Dreem Factory: ooooh, do u have a felony?
[01:26] Dreem Factory: i se
[01:26] Dreem Factory: e
[01:28] Wolfen: I don't have any drug damn it LMAO
[01:30] Dreem Factory: oh ok sorry
[01:30] Dreem Factory: do u know ryan pacmayer?
[01:30] Wolfen: Nope
[01:31] Dreem Factory: do u wanna see a movie with me tomorrow?
[01:31] Wolfen: Not really no, busy, always busy. The agent, then preproduction shit, and cooking.
[01:32] Dreem Factory: agent?
[01:32] Wolfen: You know, the screenplay thing
[01:32] Dreem Factory: ha theres no agents on oak forest
[01:32] Dreem Factory: lol
[01:33] Wolfen: Phone :P
[01:33] Dreem Factory: where did u find a agent?
[01:33] Wolfen: Internet
[01:33] Wolfen: Was refered
[01:33] Dreem Factory: oh cool who is it?
[01:33] Dreem Factory: cause im lookin for a agent too
[01:34] Wolfen:
http://www.wlscreenplayagency.com/[01:34] Dreem Factory: where did u find that?
[01:35] Wolfen: Just loads of reasearch and a lot of phone calls
[01:35] Dreem Factory: cool
[01:35] Dreem Factory: soo....can i get in on this?
[01:37] Dreem Factory: hello?
[01:38] Dreem Factory: i wanna be a part of this screenplay
[01:40] Dreem Factory: r u there?
[01:41] Wolfen: Like I said, research, and a writer from South Park refered me
[01:41] Dreem Factory: how do u know south park?
[01:41] Wolfen: Met on a forum
[01:42] Dreem Factory: can i get in on this?
[01:42] Dreem Factory: i wanna invest in ur screenplay
[01:42] Wolfen: Get your own :P
[01:42] Dreem Factory: haha please
[01:42] Dreem Factory: dont be a poser
[01:43] Wolfen: I'm no poser, I'm keepin it real
[01:49] Wolfen: [01:44] Dreem Factory: i dont think u know ANYTHING about film
[01:45] Dreem Factory: do u even know about cameras? editing? film stock? film theory? history? criticism?
[01:46] Wolfen: That's why I have to team of the greatest minds I know, when we're together, it's magic
[01:46] Wolfen: * a team that is
[01:46] Wolfen: <
[01:47] Dreem Factory: what team? can i be on it?>
[01:47] Wolfen: Don't think there's a place for you really
[01:47] Dreem Factory: i could be the PA
[01:47] Dreem Factory: or gaffer
[01:48] Wolfen: PA isn't your strong suit
[01:48] Dreem Factory: lol
[01:48] Dreem Factory: how do u know?
[01:49] Wolfen: Well, it's 1:48, you're high as hell. Saying I don't know anything about film... but asking me to join my film
[01:49] Wolfen: That's fucked up LMAO
[01:50] Dreem Factory: lol yeah but im seriously a film genius dawg
[01:50] Dreem Factory: and i know like 10 girls who wanna suck ur dick right now
[01:50] Wolfen: You sure they're girls
[01:50] Dreem Factory: hahaha cmon!!!
[01:51] Dreem Factory: they wanna seck u off right now!
[01:53] Wolfen: Nah, I gots my girl. She's good to me
[01:53] Dreem Factory: yeah but i bet she dont feck
[01:54] Wolfen: Lauren Hopkins fucks like you've never seen. Her positions have been immortalized in bronse
[01:55] Dreem Factory: daamn
[01:55] Dreem Factory: hey dawhg can i come over now?
[01:55] Dreem Factory: where r u?
[01:55] Wolfen: I'm in your mind
[01:56] Dreem Factory: no really
[01:56] Dreem Factory: i wanna come over and chill wit u
[01:56] Wolfen: I'm serious too. I'm in your mind
[01:56] Wolfen: We stopped talking about 2 hours ago
[01:56] Wolfen: You're speaking to yourself
[01:57] Dreem Factory: wait what?
[01:57] Dreem Factory: lol
[01:57] Wolfen: Yes
[01:57] Dreem Factory: shut up u prick
[01:57] Dreem Factory: u r a poser
[01:57] Wolfen: Maybe so, but I'm not high and alone
[01:58] Dreem Factory: haha me neither
[01:58] Dreem Factory: did u know that u r my best friend?
[01:58] Wolfen: No, I was not aware of that
[01:58] Dreem Factory: if u let me be a part of ur script
[01:59] Dreem Factory: ill suck ur dick and let u cum on my face
[01:59] Dreem Factory: ok?
[01:59] Wolfen: You need to sleep :P
[02:00] Dreem Factory: god i need sum drugs
[02:01] Dreem Factory: can u help me please?
[02:02] Wolfen: I don't have drugs
[02:02] Wolfen: You have drugs
[02:02] Dreem Factory: can i seck ur deck?
[02:02] Wolfen: I have a very nice deck
[02:03] Wolfen: I need to put some wood sealant on it before winter