Now, I see that some of you are donning the Pageboy Hat (or actual haircut, for some of you extremists out there) and have prepared a big plate of pageboy cookies to munch on!
You've all had a quick lesson in pagebology, been inspired by some of the very finest pageboy heros, and discovered your inner pageboy self!
Well, let us introduce you to the various options avaliable, shall we?
In medieval times, the page would serve as an attendant and apprentice to a knight. He would be taught how to handle the and care for the knight's equipment and also assisted in household duties. To become a medieval page you will need:
- 1 x tunic
- 1 x pair leggings or breeches
- 1 x leather sandals
Special deluxe edition pageboy with punching action!
Today, we can often observe pageboys in attendance at wedding ceremonies, carrying the trains of wedding gowns and carrying sleepy rings on a pillow. In addition to the maximum age requirement of ten years, you will need the following:
- 1 x stain-resistant jacket (black)
- 1 x stain-resistant collar shirt (white)
- 1 x stain-resistant dress pants (black)
- 1 x clip-on bowtie (black)
- 1 x pair velcro-on dress shoes (black)
A young man with a blossoming pageboy haircut!
There are also pages in the service of the government, often seen zipping around fetching documents or cups of beverage for important political fellows. This will require:
- 1 x fitted jacket
- 1 x dress shirt (white)
- 1 x pair dress pants (black) -or- 1 x knee length skirt (black), with 1 x pair stockings (dark color)
- 1 x bowtie (black)
- 1 x pair clean white gloves
- 1 x pair black dress shoes
Of course the most popular type of pageboy is the arguably the Common Pageboy, covered before by the Pagebologist. For this you will need:
- 1 x smart jacket (in main colour)
- 1 x waistcoat (in accent colour)
- 1 x neatly pressed shirt with Peter Pan or Sailor collar (white)
- 1 x kerchief (in accent colour)
- 1 x pair of breeches
- 1 x pair of silk stockings or silk hose (off white)
- 1 x buckle shoes (in black or brown)
Please check with your House for specific colour requirements. If you're interested in learning about the domestic duties of the Common Pageboy, you may wish to look for a copy of Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management:
(An online version can be found
Not only does it describe the responsibilities of domestic workers, it also contains a large collection of recipes!
Of course, if self-taught isn't your cup of perfectly poured tea with lemon and no sugar, you may also wish to try enrolling with the fine people of the
Butler School in the Netherlands, or with the
International Butler’s Guild! (also check out their page dedicated to
napkin folding! You can learn them all so you can be the envy of waiters and waitresses next time you go to a snazzy restaurant!)
Thank again to
corrie for the links.
These people exist, I'm serious!
Hang on guys, we need to retake that one sorry.
Ah, much better.
As a very last option, you can also try to become a pageboy by being bitten by a werepage. Of course, these elusive creatures are all but extinct and only appear during a full moon so you may have trouble finding one!
*all historical information kindly provided by 3 and a half purple donkeys
oh god it's so (much) lame(r than ever before), I'm sorry! Running out of ideassssssssss