And since I’m here anyways, I’ll kill two birds with one stone, make a second post and then burrow away for another few weeks.
It’s like 5 months worth of “Hay gaiz, I can draw the same thing over and over again 8B”. For some reason, there is 10% more cat ears in here. I don’t know what happened. I used to hate them with a burning passion.
June/July (lol):
Poor Kandur. I don’t even like him that much, but he’s so easy to make fun of.
Yea but no but yea but no, no really I didn’t. You see nothing. Nothing.
I think I might’ve only drawn four not-even-quite-torsos for all of June/July... I, I-I can’t find anything else.
Wrench! I don’t know why but making macrosized versions of mundane objects amuses me greatly. And I got to make two. Forget to get a picture of me dual-wielding them though :F.
Bebe Vincent for
And Bebe Howl for
Aftereffects from A16, doodling D.Gray crap again at work.
Komui has the best ":>" smile.
Saucegay! Wait, it’s Sengoku Basara Sauce, it’s ok. I should probably finish that game.
……don’t ask.
Layton <3! I love this game series. Go play it if you haven’t! I spent many long nights with Layton in bed.
Sigh, I scribbled this into the notebook by the computers at work. Supervisor saw it and then came up to ask me,
SV: “So, are you
NDP or something?”
Me: “Huh?”
SV: “You know, that. Team
Me: “…..?”
Me: *whirrwhirrr* *mental click*
Me: “WHAT?? NO!! NOOO!!!” orz
This is the last time I try to srsdoodle Luke without reference. What the hell is this monstrosity.
By the way, you should all know that the movie is coming out next year. I hope it sticks to mostly 2D animation like the cutscenes in Curious Village. Diabolical Box had too much obvious 3DCG :(.
And for the ultra-nerdy, Kaiyodo is coming out with a
Revoltech Layton figure sometime next year hopefully. (They’re also putting out Zoids and JP dino Revoltechs as well *nerdnerd*. Liger army shall now easily available for lazy kit builders like myself!)
They’d better make a Luke. A Luke with a swappable Determined face ♥♥♥.
Some kemonostuffs for friends.
Random doodle turned newchar, who is also made up of gross shit that is easy for me to draw lately. earsearsearsshiiiiitttititit.. His ridiculous pointed nose could be used for digging, yes. Was excited to work on it before, but getting too busy with other things now.
baha ♥
Putzing around with
Colors! on the DS. My stylus keeps doing the annoying jumping thing, otherwise I’d play with it a lot more. Y-Yes. It was going to be Saucegay. Yes, that Saucegay.
Rest of September/October/presentdaylolhelpme was mostly taken up by inking and colouring comic book pages for a fellow at work. Don’t think I can show them off yet, but they are made of dinos and zombies.
Lighting fail
Lawl, kill me.
Oh godddd, poor Val. He’s like some horrible Child of
Elizabeth. Wait, that makes who the other parent??
New private space at work + my favourite kind of scratchpad = more forced doodling hopefully. Too lazy to keep a sketchbook now.
I have a bad habit of starting really close to the edge. Lower right guy looks like he’s getting kneed in the face lol.
Also have a bad habit of writing out internet slang in real life?? orz
Different style sketch. Massive hands for… better controller grip and button mashing.
'Cos even I get sick of drawing him like a stick.
kirjekyyhkynen, who is also the one responsible for getting me into D.Gray (AND WE ALL KNOW HOW THAT WENT), recently got me into Gintama. This is both good and bad.
- Good, because it means I have a new fandom to make crack doodles of.
- Bad, because it means I have a new fandom to make crack doodles of.
Gaiz, my sketches are so sophisticated and deeply insightful.
kirjekyyhkynen is probably the only one who has a chance of guessing what this was.
Eli is supreme fail without reference. Kagura turned into Alvis. Gin is fail always, I can’t draw him even remotely recognizable if he doesn’t have a silly face on.
I didn’t lie when I said crack. I’m not even going to post the full of this because it’s gross.
Also been rereading Tegami Bachi since I wanted to refresh my memory before checking out the new anime. I forgot how cute Niche+Steak are lol.
This post makes me blind.