went to les mis last night which was such fun. when it started, julie thought they were jewish and i had her convinced that they were until they started speaking a bit of french.
oh and i got a haircut yesterday. i hate the ladies at the hair club, theyre such bitches. i told my mom im not going back.
pre-haircut(with safiya):
another pre-haircut
julie in the car
julie and i (post-haircut) in the car
the funny looking woman at the restaurant with a LOBSTER BIB!
saluting jesus:
julie's spectacular dessert:
thats all folks.
i got home and was exausted but went online anyway. alex imed me and told me that he asked rachel to prom. when he told me, i got so nausous. then i cried myself to sleep. FUCKING ASSHOLE
i also found out that i can't go to prom anyway because it's my cousin jon's bar mitzvah in fucking scranton. i guess my parents just forgot to tell me.