Here is a quick and easy way to add all the members of the RP as well as remove any members who have been dropped. To do this visit the
Admin Console and copy/paste the contents of the text area. Click execute and you’re done!
Friend Add List friend add cadet_amara
friend add first_donoharm
friend add flying_plantman
friend add lt_suave
friend add miraromaine
friend add mr_genius_scott
friend add no-dryer-box
friend add onshoreleave
friend add psychosemantic
friend add randomredshirt
friend add setphasersto
friend add sibilous
friend add sonofsarek
friend add squeakingghosts
friend add thecaptainkirk
friend add theguywithagun
friend add topshelfwrecked
friend add cant-judgethis
friend add not-thesistine
friend add got-spacesick
friend add yeoman_jan
Friend Remove List friend remove 95wictorwictor2
friend remove mrfencemaster
friend remove oh_hellonurse
friend remove silvereyedson
friend remove angels-didsing
friend remove atalentedtongue
Like to drop a character? Please leave a comment below with the account and character name.