Gen Fic Day obviously coincided with Window of Opportunity, since it lasted a lot more than 24 hours! No real new fics, but lots of links. The unofficial theme was crackfic, and most (but not all) of the links below fit the definition quite nicely. Here's the list:
New fic
None, really, although I dashed off seven drabbles to represent a few of my sadly-neglected WIPs:
Writing in Précis: Drabble WIPs Older fic
The Luau Lounge. Jack, Daniel, Teal'c, and a cyberspace bar full of knitters.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to MacGyver, As Written By Jack O'Neill. My most enduringly popular, and crackiest, Gatefic.
Velocizompire Apocalypse. In which MacGyver visits the SGC and has a conversation with Jack.
Attn: General Hammond. A memo from Siler.
sg_betty contributed
Daniel in Wonderland, in which canon Daniel stumbles upon a number of fanon Daniels.
zinke linked to her
Honalee, which "is gen and silly and involves a mythical dragon."
traycer_ linked to her recent
Changes - Jack and Teal'c decides to take another day off from looping through the same day.
And these are mine:
The Daniel Jackson Theory of Hairy Relativity. Because it's all about the hair.
Where the Future Is Being Made Today. Meep!
Fic recs
There were a large number of fic recs, made by various people (including Anonymous). Summaries/descriptions are copied here as they were given.
Investigation into the effects of zat'ni'ktel fire on the common Peep, by Samantha Carter, by
penknife. Because the formal, straight-faced language of Sam's report is such an utter contrast to what's actually happening that Hammond's final zinger is just the perfect icing on the cake. (Or Peep.)
Just Dessert and
Twenty Six by Eleven, by
tallulah_rasa. Crossover mayhem ahead! The count is somewhere around 25, I think.
With Great Power, by
pepper_field. Because this is exactly how Jack would abuse the power of being the Man. Arrr!
Mafdet, Slayer of Serpents by sqbr. This comic strip reveals the real story of the rebellion against Ra... and certain facts about cats.
Nothing to Sneeze At by Paian, Sid, and
theeverdream. Hugmonsters!
No Respect for Normal Dimensions by
caladria. Discworld crossover: DOCTOR JACKSON, I TRUST WE WILL MEET AGAIN SOON.
The Art of the Deal, by
littera_abactor. The gen version of AMTDI complete with the best alien mangling of English you will ever read.
When Your Job Description (You Announce Chevrons!) Is a Total Lie by
svmadelyn. Walter on a shopping run for the SGA, complete with Teal'c awesomeness!
Bunnies! by
holdouttrout. Jack's brain, meet crackfic.
Ketchup, by Jaed. Armed only with a tomato ketchup bottle, Daniel must save SG-1!
Yet Another SG-1 Adventure, by Minnow. My all-time favorite SG-1 zombiefic.
Revolutionist Dreams, by Rhya Storm on FFnet. In which Daniel's laundry harbors dreams of life, liberty, and the pursuit of brand-name fabric softener.
Homecoming, by
conn8d. Sam gets by with a little help from her team. And extra help from Vala. Vala POV. Tag to Search and Rescue.
Renewal, by Artifuss.
Vid recs
Some excellent cracky vids:
Jack Feels Fine, an awesome wild ride, and
Stargate SG-1's Thriller and
SG-1 Takes Over TV Land.
SG-1 Goes to the Movies and
Fruit Loopy both have canon kisses in them, so they might not qualify as gen, but they're also a lot of fun (and I think Holdt's 'Window of Opportunity' vid may manage to be more cracky than the ep itself).
My thanks to all those who contributed! We'll do this again sometime in January, including an Alphabet Soup. Until then, keep spreading gen squee :)