Crossover flashfic post

Feb 01, 2011 08:40

This is a companion entry to SG-1 Gen Fic Day and Crossover Alphabet Soup.

Below the cut you'll find all the fandoms that were claimed for Alphabet Soup. These are the fandoms that are NOT available. But if you want to prompt and/or write a crossover flashfic for any other fandom, here's what you do:

1. Comment to this entry with a fandom as your prompt. Just the fandom: Sanctuary, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter, Miles Vorkosigan series, etc. There is no obligation to write flashfic if you prompt.

2. Reply to the comment prompt with ficlets of any length. They MUST be gen and PG-13 or under. You may post as many or as few as you like.

3. I will collate all the flashfics into a single entry when Gen Fic Day ends. If you repost your flashfic to your own journal, include a link for me so I can add it to the final entry.

I've jumpstarted this with a few random prompts, but feel free to prompt or write in any fandom. Have fun! :)

These are the Alphabet Soup fandom. They may NOT be prompted here.

Amelia Peabody
Battlestar Galactica
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
Chronicles of Narnia
Doctor Who
Howl's Moving Castle
Indiana Jones series
Lois and Clark
Magnificent 7
Nero Wolfe
Quantum Leap
Red Dwarf
Sorcerer's Apprentice
The Hunger Games
The Mummy

ficlets by request, gen fic day

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