sg1_lims is a LIMS competition for Stargate SG-1. It is comprehensive in scope and does not focus on one specific character, pairing, or episode. We welcome SG-1 fans of all preferences and caps are chosen with the breadth of our community in mind.
Each week participants are provided with multiple caps (~8-12) and are assigned the task of making one icon entry unless otherwise stated. These caps will be chosen by theme. You will be informed of the challenge requirements.
We will feature caps from all 10 seasons, Ark of Truth, and Continuum.
Each challenge is open for five days, with voting commencing after and lasting two days. Hence, each challenge lasts a week in total. Quite a few icon makers have expressed concern over fitting a weekly commitment into their schedules. We will post the caps for challenges at least three (3) weeks in advance. If a weekly schedule is a problem for you, please take advantage of the early posting schedule and make your icons as you have time.
Results are announced after the voting deadline and, as is the nature of LIMS, participants are eliminated. Two users are selected by voters for Members' Choice and two users are selected for Mod's Choice.
For more information, please read the
user info for
Last Iconmaker Standing competitions are about obtaining feedback on your icon style, most especially where improvement is needed. LIMS are not about winning. If your sole motivation for signing up is to win, then this probably isn't the competition for you.
Take a moment, please, to consider whether you truly want constructive criticism. Not everyone does and those people are invited to participate here by voting. What do we consider constructive criticism? Statements such as, "The brush overwhelms the image," "The coloring is unattractive," "The crop is awkward," and "The image is blurry," would all qualify. Non-constructive criticism will be dealt with in private by the moderators and will not be given to the icon makers.
It is quite likely that conflicting votes will be received for the same icon. The same icon that got you the comment, "The crop is awkward," might also get you the comment, "Love the crop! It's so different and interesting!" Voting is open to anyone with an opinion and what some people love, others won't.
Please also consider if you're willing to be eliminated. No matter how proficient the icon maker, all but one will face this fate. If being eliminated would unduly upset you, we invite you to participate here as a voter.
So, why *does* anyone participate as an icon maker?
1. Feedback! As lovely and ego-boosting as the most welcome comments of, "nice work!" on a post of icons are, they don't help one improve or identify what works/doesn't work about one's icons.
2. Positive Feedback: This wasn't a dwelling point above because we all love to hear we're brilliant and that's never really an issue, but this community requires reasons for voting an icon most proficient as well as least proficient. Often, icon makers opt to receive their feedback publicly. Not only is it nice to get specific positive feedback, but one can learn quite a bit from seeing why people voted as they did, even if it's for someone else's icon.
3. This community provides more than one cap per challenge and is dedicated to having caps up early so that you have plenty of time to make the best icon you can. We're about quality rather than speed-trials.
4. This community welcomes all SG-1 fans. We're friendly and open.
We invite you to join us and vote! LIMS is all about the feedback but that means we *need* people to vote; voters are literally our lifeblood. We ask that you take the time to study the icons in each challenge vote and choose 2 least favorite icons and 2 favorite icons based on technique. This is not a contest over which pairing is most popular or a chance to vote against an icon featuring a character you dislike.
The makers are real people, with real feelings, who are seeking your feedback. Please respond with concrete statements of what you do or don't like about an icon's execution.
Welcome; we're very happy to have you! Please consider signing up to make banners for winners. Please consider voting every week. Please consider promoting the group.
Please don't hesitate to ask me any question you might have!