Caps for 3.01 - 3.08

Sep 20, 2009 23:30

Yes, we're back! Round 3 sign-ups will posted later tonight. We have the first 8 challenges prepared:

3.01 Celebrating Actors of Color - Inspired by International Blog Against Racism Week, this challenge focuses on the actors of color who bring to life some of our favorite characters in the SG-1 universe.
3.02 Au Naturel - It's all about the lack of clothing, which seemed an appropriate reason to celebrate. It's a festival of very pretty skin.
3.03 Past Lives - SG-1 actors doing decidedly non-Stargate-y things. It's up to you to decide how to use them but we recommend against licking the screen when you see young RDA in his muscle-tee glory.
3.04 Sometimes a Cigar is a Weapon - Zats, staff weapons, and guns -- oh my!
3.05 Profiles in Courage -- Every cap includes at least one character in profile.
3.06 Scenery -- It's more than just the team who makes SG-1 a pretty show to watch.
3.07 Some Like It Hot -- I'm trying to avoid making bad puns about how this is a challenge to warm your heart or quoting cheesy lyrics such as, "Feel those hot flames licking yo-o-o-u," but I fear I'm doing a poor job of it. *g*
3.08 Ice Ice Baby -- Yin to last week's yang, this challenge features ice, snow, and frost.

We hope you find these cap choices to be inspiring and that they tempt you into participating in Round 3 of sg1_lims

round 3.01:caps, caps, round 3.03:caps, round 3, round 3.04:caps, round 3.07:caps, round 3.05:caps, round 3.06:caps, round 3.02:caps, round 3.08:caps

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