Stealing from sga_smoochHave an idea for SG-1 kissing fic or art but don't want to create it yourself? Interested in making something, but sure what to do? This post is for you
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We're open! And just in time for Valentine's Day! Although you certainly don't have to write about Valentine's Day if you don't want to
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We'll be holding an amnesty period from Sunday, December 4th through Tuesday, December 6th. If you have any kisses you started and didn't finish, or thought of and didn't start, that'll be the time to post them.
The kissing fest at sg1_smooch is now closed, but have no fear--we'll be back in three months for more kisses! And I think we'll probably have an amnesty period before that, in case someone started something they didn't get to post.
Yesterday was supposed to be the last day for this round of kisses here and at sga_smooch, but, well, it's November and we all known how November goes. So we're giving you an extra week. You now have until Sunday to post your kisses!