2013 sg1friendathon Master List

Oct 26, 2013 14:03

For those of you who have not had a chance to read the stories from this year's friendathon, here's a handy one-stop spot for links to all of the fics. For those of you who have read the stories from this year's friendathon, here's a handy one-stop spot for rereading all of these wonderful fics.

If I have inadvertently mislinked, misidentified, or just plain missed any stories, please let me know so that I can make the correction.

A Walk to the End of the World by ivorygates
Jack and Teal'c. Sometimes -- not usually, but sometimes -- they just need to get away from the geeks.

Accidentally on Purpose by lokei
Daniel and Sam. Sometimes--not usually, but sometimes--they plan ahead of time how to wind Jack up.

Almost Stranger by alynt
Team. Rediscovering each other in season seven

Cast upon Foreign Soil by sg_wonderland
Daniel and Teal'c. Rituals of Remembrance

Coffee Keeps Everyone Sane by lord_spyridon
Daniel and Sam. "The base is under lock-down, and there is no more coffee?"

Depth Perception by sg1jb
Daniel and Sam. Wonder Twins save the day in ways big and/or small

Digging in Dirt by sallymn
Daniel and Freya-Anise. Ruins.

Down Time by marzipan77
Ferretti and Reynolds. Post Evolution Part 2: They argue about whether if Daniel had been military, what branch he would have been. Air Force v. Marines.

Five Conversations Walter and General Hammond Had in the Gate Room by goddess47
George and Walter. Waiting for the dial-in.

Friendly Fire by sidlj
Cam and Daniel. Episode tag to Prototype, on the shooting range.

If You Cut Me I Could Shine by missparker
Sam and Walter. Walter knows everyone on the base and everything that goes on there, but Carter has become a real friend.

Just Like Always by dragonfly_sg1
Daniel and Jack. Reminiscing.

Left Unspoken by sg_fignewton
Daniel and Jack. Five things they never told anyone about their first trip through the gate.

Man's Best Friend by stringertheory
Jack and Janet. Misadventures with Cassie's dog.

Needle Gauge by crazedturkey
Jack and Janet. "Is it my imagination, or did that needle just get larger?"

Not Even Tuesday by sallymn
Cam and Jack. Herding cats.

One Chapter Closes by suzannemarie
Jack and Cassie. The colonel consoles Cassie when the dog dies.

Rescue Mission by marzipan77
Jack and Teal’c: Rescue Mission. Who rescues whom after The First Ones?

Snake Wrangling 101
and/or Snake Wrangling 101 by eilidh17 and dennydj
A: Do you always have to touch everything alien we find?
B: Well this is another fine mess you've gotten us into.

Survival by ami_ven
Daniel & Teal’c, making peace

Time it Was by maria_priest
Jack and Teal'c. They'd both seen too much to be innocent.

Triage by aelfgyfu_mead
Sam and Janet. After Antarctica, Sam asks for more medical training.

Two Things Sam and Janet Don't Have in Common (and One Thing They Do) by holdouttrout
Sam and Janet. They have a lot in common (besides Cassie).

Without This Soul by gategremlyn
Daniel and Jack: What did you do this time?

Worth a Thousand Words by thothmes
Jack and Sam. Advice upon becoming a full bird.

Our hearty and heartfelt thanks to all of the writers who contributed such amazing stories. Our thanks also go out to the readers who make this all so fun. If you have more to say, or if you would like a chance to play along, keep your eye on this community. The official post for the ficathon frenzy will go up sometime tomorrow. The frenzy itself will run for a week, starting on Monday. You have one more opportunity to get your words out--and we hope you do!

2013, master list

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