Signups: 7th July - 21st July
Assigments sent out - 1st August
Stories due - 1st October
1. All stories must be 1000+ words
2. Het, Slash and femmeslash pairings are all welcome. As our gen and smut fics.
3. The main pairing of each fic must involve a character from SG-1 with a character from SGA. Other pairings are allowed as long as they only play a minor role. If you intend to include another pairing please bear in mind the tastes of the person youare writing for.
4. Though they have been/will be on both shows Samantha Carter and Jack O'Neill count as SG-1 characters and Rodney Mckay and Elizabeth Weir Atlantis characters. For this reason fics must not be set in season 4 of Atlantis.
5. You will be able to give three prompts. If possible please do not request the same pairing for all three prompts. Having 2 prompts with the same pairing is fine, but it would be nice if the third was different in case we run low of authors for certain pairings.
6. If you can not complete the fic on time please contact the moderators (myself or
rolleson) ASAP.
7. No threesomes or moresomes please.