Title: Instant Daddy
Rating: PG
Challenge #70: "Celebration" ("Kiss" optional)
Warnings/Spoilers: No episode spoilers. Kind of a prequel to one of my
100_situations fics,
Who's Your Daddy?. Recommended that you read that first, but it's not necessary.
Summary: Once again, Daniel's curiosity throws a wrench in the works.
The celebration was already in full swing before Jack realized what they were celebrating.
"Daniel, what the hell are those?" he demanded, tightening his grip on his P90.
Daniel looked up at him, his lap full of four squirming blue fuzzballs. "Uh... I’m not sure, exactly. Parost called them benkali. Apparently they’re just like ducklings in that they imprint on the first thing they see when they hatch. I, er, happened to be in the room when they did."
One of the fuzzy things uncurled and Jack got the impression of a tiger crossed with a kangaroo, with a side order of large lizard. It chirped loudly, and licked Daniel’s chin in a very doglike kiss. Daniel absentmindedly rubbed its back, and it purred.
"Well we can’t take them home with us," Jack decided, letting go of his gun. There’s no way these things were particularly dangerous. "You’ll just have to leave them here, and they'll learn to survive without Mommy around."
"Jack, no!" Daniel stood up, and the cubs squeaked in alarm at the sudden change in position, clinging to his shirt like little remoras. "The benkali is a sacred animal to the Kzactians. They believe that the benkali protect them from evil and nourish the land. Abandoning them would be a very, very bad move, especially if you still want that naquada."
Jack made a face. "General Hammond is not going to be happy about this."
Daniel sat down again and let the cubs explore around his legs. "He'll get over it."