Title: Shipping and Handling
Rating: G
Challenge #50: "Technology" ("Oops, I think I broke it" optional)
Warnings: Futurefic. No spoilers. Sequel to
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Summary: You will grow old, but you never have to grow up.
A tiny snapping sound was the herald of doom for the figure sprawled out on the floor. "Ow! ...oops."
"I think I broke it," Jack said sadly, reaching down to pick up the action figure. Mini-Daniel's leg was broken off at the knee, crippled by Jack's clumsy feet.
Sam poked her head through the doorway. "What have I told you about not leaving those lying around? Now look at what you've done to Daniel!"
"You can fix him though, right?" Jack shuffled over to her, making the miniscule leg dance along the wall on the way.
Much to his disgust, the woman who could patch up unknown alien technology and make it look like new merely strapped it up with a thin strip of duct tape. "Just think of it as a cast, sir," she sighed, rolling her eyes and going back to her laptop.
Jack considered the little figure, and grinned. "Carter, do we have any toothpicks?"
A few hours later, Daniel awoke from a nap on the deck to find a mini-him sitting on his armrest, toothpick cane in hand. "Very funny, Jack," he muttered, dropping it into his pocket and limping into the cabin. He wondered what Jack would do when he noticed his own action figure's hairline was receding...