Challenge #54

Jun 08, 2007 02:40

Title: Forever
Rating: PG
Challenge #54: "Remembering"
Warnings: SPOILERS for "Unending." Angst, character death. Mention of Daniel/Vala.
Summary: Dying is something that we take for granted. Unending AU.

He sat on the observation deck, staring out at that damnable frozen beam of destruction, and wondered. How long had passed outside the field? Had it even been a second yet? How many more centuries before the SGC began wondering what had happened to them?

If only the Asgard knowledgebase had contained a way to evade the blast in time, the whole team might have left alive. Instead they were left to rot, stir-crazy and isolated in a little tin can, left to their own devices until old age came calling. He watched as his friends slowed down, age creasing their faces and painting their hair silver, once steady hands learning to tremble in weakness.

Landry went first, giving in to a bout of pneumonia that his old bones just couldn't handle anymore. Sam temporarily disabled the automatic fire suppressant systems, and they released the ashes into space. The tiny glittering specks drifted out to the edge of the time dilation field, ensnared in the time difference until they simply became part of the view.

Mitchell was next, having succumbed to Alzheimer's several years before. In a way, they were glad that his suffering was over, that they wouldn't have to listen to him asking the same questions over and over just to forget the answer again. For weeks afterward, he could have sworn he could hear Mitchell's aimless humming echoing through the corridors, shuffling along right past the next turn.

Sam's death was an accident. One morning she never turned up for breakfast, so Teal'c went looking for her. He found her in the shower, already gone. She must have slipped on something and struck her head, they decided in the end. Her cello sat collecting dust for months before anyone dared to even touch it.

Even though he was expecting it, the grief was no less painful when he awoke to find a cold body pressed up against his. He gathered Vala in his arms and smothered his tears in her silver hair, cursing the Ancients for their thoughtless cruelty. His chest felt hollow as he laid her back onto their bed one last time, and kissed her forehead, whispering words of love to one who could no longer hear. He never slept in their room again.

"Daniel Jackson," Teal'c whispered.

Daniel tightened his grip on the Jaffa's hand. "I'm here, Teal'c." He found it easy to make eye contact, imagining that his friend was still young and strong, just as he remembered. He wondered if Teal'c found it ironic that he'd gone bald again, after he'd worked so hard to grow his hair after finally casting aside the Goa'uld.

"Daniel. I do not wish to leave you alone," Teal'c breathed, opening his eyes with great difficulty. "I am sorry."

"It's not your fault, Teal'c," Daniel said softly. "I'll be lonely, but I'll be okay. You just take care of yourself, all right?"

"No," Teal'c insisted. "No warrior should suffer as you do. Promise me that you will not give up. Find a way to escape, even though we have not. I die free, Daniel, but you must live free. For SG-1."

They sat in silence for hours, until Teal'c's breathing faltered and finally stopped. Daniel looked away. The beam weapon had to hit the ship eventually. Maybe then, he would be able to follow.

Given how late I wrote and posted this, I'm not sure if I was clear, but my idea was: what if Ascending screwed up Daniel's aging process? What if he stayed young forever?

challenge 54

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