Title & Author: Poseidon
By Jeyla4ever...Cielito
Characters/Pairing: John and Teyla, Rodney, Ronon, Other
Rating: NC-17/M
Category: Angst, Hurt, Drama, Romance
Content Warnings: sexual contentet/ mild language
Disclaimer: I don't own anything but my keys to type this story
Spoilers: Conversion
Word Count: 13,555
Auhors Notes: Request by Tielan who wanted John and Teyla on the run looking for Rodney and Ronon with some added bonus scenes. I don't know that I accomplished everything you wanted Tie...but I tried my darn hardest!
My ultimate thanks to my beta Loveconquers for her wonderful gift and her timely manner! She did this for me in only hours and at the last minute...THANKS SWEETIE!...Thanks to the mods at sg rarepairings for their patience, understanding and support...
This manip is included in the above Fic poster and it's created and courtesy of
http://slodwick.livejournal.com/ Thanks, slodwick....hope I did your work some justice...not really what I hoped for, but better than I thought! Please go and check out her other works...she's fantastic!
over in fanfiction...please kindly leave a review.....thanks!