Because I am a complete nerd when it comes to details in fic, I went looking for the relative speed of the Daedalus. And couldn't find it. So I did some rough calculations based on what I've gleaned from episodes of Atlantis, and I thought it might interest someone. Maybe.
From Gateworld, we know it takes eighteen* days to travel from Earth to Atlantis using the Asgard drive (
here.) Very good.
Given the latest estimate of the distance to the Pegasus Dwarf Irregular Galaxy (the most likely candidate for the RL location that the Pegasus Galaxy corresponds to), which wiki puts at 3.0 +/- .1 megalight-years or 920 +/- 30 kiloparsecs† (
here), we arrive at this conclusion:
1 megalight-year == 1,000,000 light-years OR 1 kiloparsecs == 1,000 parsecs
3,000,000 light-years OR 920,000 parsecs
After we remember our long division, we arrive at:
166,666.67 light-years per day OR 51,111.11 parsecs per day
These figures may be further refined to hours and minutes using second grade math. I hope this interested someone.
* I seem to distinctly remember being told in The Intruder that it took the Daedalus a month to return to Earth. Possibly this was before a general engine upgrade, but I'm not sure. I'm going with their figure, though.
† I should note here that Gateworld also gives a different figure here, that of 3.26 to 3.5 megalight-years. I'm distrustful of this, though, and have gone with wiki's number.
p.s.: there are 5878625373183.61 miles in a lightyear. there are 19173511600000 miles in a parsec. given the numbers above, Atlantis is 17635876119550800000.00 miles from Earth. that's a long walk.