Friday's Funtastic Tutorials by Jeyla4ever

Apr 06, 2012 17:32

Well, hello there! Here's another Fun-Tastic Tutorial by yours truly. Ask me any questions here. Hope you enjoy!

Title: Spring is in the Air 
Instructor: Jeyla4ever
Difficulty: Beginner
Photoshop Version: CS5

Final Effect


Let's begin.

1. Open up a new canvas, choose your size. I like 1200 x 900.
2. Fill it with white.
3. Take your Teyla screencaption and follow the steps that I used for creating a silhouette.
4. Fill the silhouette with white background.
5. It will look strange but you will see the black outline.
6. Copy and paste onto your canvas.
7. Take the first background by magnusti78 and set it above the Teyla's silo and set on linear light. Carefully erase any parts of the background that fall outside of Teyla's silo. I played around with the position as well. I think I flipped it around. :)
8. Once you have it where you like, duplicate two more times and set to linear light. That will give it a nice darker color.
9. Now take John's screencaption and follow steps 3-8.
10. Now take Meronol's beautiful background and resize it to 1200 by 900.
11. Copy and paste onto your JT canvas and set it to the furthest back at normal.
12. Duplicate layer, resize it because you only want the wording love, and set it to lighten. Duplicate and erase unwanted parts.
13. Blend with backdrop.
14. Flatten Image
15. Play with the brightness and contrast.
16. Go to filters>Ink Outlines> set to stroke strength 4, Dark Intensity 20, Light Intensity 10.
17. And Voila!

tutorials, wallpapers, user: jeyla4ever

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