Title: Life Is...
lilyleia78Pairing: McKay/Sheppard; background Zelenka/Lorne
Rating: PG
Word count: 26,000
Warnings: None
Notes: Dear lilyleia78: Normally I wouldn't warn about this, because I think part of a story is taking the journey with the characters, but you specifically asked for happy fic (and no Death fic). I wanted you to know that while it might look like there's a major character death, please trust me and keep reading. I'm all about the happy endings! I hope you like it, I had a blast writing it.
Also, thanks to my beta (you know who you are) for your help with this fic. Your turn around was amazing and your comments and suggestions helped to make this a better fic.
Summary: John meets a teenage runaway who reminds him of someone from his past. When he tries to help her, it changes his life forever.
Life Is... )