Fic: Distracted by Shiny Things (McKay/Sheppard, PG)

Dec 16, 2014 18:18

Title: Distracted by Shiny Things
Author: goddess47
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: PG
Genre: Established Relationship, Mission Gone Awry
Word Count: 3100

Summary: "Yeah," Lorne sighed. "But then McKay found a new energy reading of some sort. He went chasing after it, Sheppard followed him and now... well, you'll see when we get there."

Notes: For persiflager who asked for McShep! Always and forever, from the dirtiest porn to the purest gen friendship, as long as there's bickering I'll be happy. Team fics and mission fics are always great, especially when people get to show off their skills. I'm also a total sucker for minor characters getting to save the day or tell the story; Zelenka, Woolsey and Dusty Mehra are particular favourites, but I could happily read about anyone who doesn't normally get to be the focus of fics.

Hope you enjoy this!


"Dr. Z?" Major Lorne's voice came into his ear on the command channel that he routinely monitored.

Radek hit the 'Enter' key to start the simulation he was working on before he answered the radio.

"Yes, Major?" he replied.

"Sorry to interrupt your day, but we have something of an emergency off world, and could use your help," Lorne reported.

"Rodney?" Radek asked in some alarm.

"Unfortunately, yes," Lorne sighed. "No one is hurt. Yet. It doesn't look dangerous, but we need some technical help, and fast."

Radek replied briskly, "On my way."

"Meet me in the Gate room," Lorne directed.

Radek shut down the equipment that needed to be shut down, and in less than five minutes was on his way to the Ready Room.

"Miko." Radek switched to the lab channel on the radio as he walked briskly to the nearest transporter. "I need to go off world with Major Lorne. You're in charge while I'm gone."

"Is everything all right?" she asked in concern. Everyone knew when Rodney was off world.

"Going to find out," Radek replied. "Evidently, no one is hurt. Just need more technical help."

"Understood," she replied steadily. "Take care."

"Thank you," Radek answered. He knew the labs would be in safe hands. No one wanted to be on Miko's bad side. She could be worse than Rodney when it came to showing folk the error of their way. Rodney may know all about water temperature, but Miko knew all about waste treatment.

As he dressed for the off world trip, Radek thought -- not for the first time -- that they were all soldiers as much as scientists. Even with the reduction of the Wraith threat due to the spread of Keller's disastrous 'gene therapy' from ship to ship, there were plenty of other things out there that was just as deadly. Letting down your guard got you killed.

Someone, and Rodney always suspected Jack O'Neill's hand in this, made sure that the soldiers sent to Atlantis were more than just soldiers. Even if they couldn't be called scientists, they would have skills that made them useful in other ways. Carpenters, masons, musicians, librarians... it was fascinating to watch the new recruits be absorbed into their community. More folk requested to stay than requested to leave.

Everyone wore the same uniform off world. The natives of Pegaus weren't stupid, and had learned to identify the scientists in any group of Lanteans by their garb. Radek stripped out of his own clothes and put on the uniform that hung in his locker.

"Ready doc?" Lorne asked from the door of the ready room.

"Do I need a weapon?" Radek asked. He was proficient enough on the range, but had little experience off world.

"Just a hand weapon," Lorne said as he handed Radek a pistol and an extra clip of ammo. "Just because."

Just because you never know what will happen, Radek thought to himself. He took the weapon and put it in the thigh holster, the ammo in another pocket. He grabbed the backpack he kept ready in his locker.

"What happened?" Radek asked as Chuck dialed the gate for them. "From what Rodney said, I thought this was a simple meet-and-greet."

"Yeah," Lorne sighed. "But then McKay found a new energy reading of some sort. He went chasing after it, Sheppard followed him and now... well, you'll see when we get there."

They came through the Gate to find another team waiting for them. They were obviously guarding the Gate.

"Nothing's changed," the sergeant reported to Lorne. "Welcome back."

"Thanks," Lorne nodded. He pointed off to the left at a well worn track that would easily handle a wagon. "This way, Doc."

Radek reflected that it was a nice day, not too hot or humid, and the path was partially shaded. He'd listened enough to Rodney bitching about some incredibly nasty hikes Rodney had had been forced to make with his team.

Lorne led him through a mostly empty village, down another fairly wide path.

"Almost there," Lorne promised. It had taken them about half an hour to get to the village.

It was another ten minutes before they came up on a crowd of natives blocking the path. Lorne muttered something to himself, and barked into his radio. The team that had been left behind at this location scurried to open the path for them.

There was a small cliff face in front of them. Radek stopped and stared.

McKay and Sheppard were in a cave, trapped behind something that looked like glass -- or a force field. Teyla and Ronon paced at the edge of the field.

"What did Rodney do?" Radek asked before he could censor himself.

Lorne laughed. "No idea, to be honest," he admitted.

"How long have they been in there?" Radek asked, moving toward the mouth of the cave.

"Don't go too close!" Lorne warned with a hand on his shoulder. "There's a protective field about a foot away from the cave. It's not deadly, but it gives a painful shock."

"How did they get trapped?" Radek repeated his question.

Lorne shrugged. "We only have second hand information from Dereek, one of the leaders."

"May I talk to him?" Radek requested.

"Sure!" Lorne agreed. He signaled, and one of the villages came over. Teyla and Ronon spied Radek and hurried to his side.

"What happened?" Radek asked patiently.

"Dr. McKay has alerted the Temple Guardian," Dereek reported. "The Guardian has been waiting for The Chosen One for many generations."

Radek closed his eyes and pinched his nose. "Really?" he sighed. "How long have we been coming here and no one asked about local legends?" He looked up at Teyla and Ronon. "You couldn't have stopped him? Them?"

Teyla rolled her eyes. "You are aware that Rodney can be single minded when he is convinced there are Ancient artifacts involved."

"Everyone knows that!" Radek gritted his teeth. "I would think the two of you would be more alert to stopping Rodney from haring off after Ancient power sources!"

"We didn't know where he was going until Sheppard took off after him!" Ronon protested. "I thought he was just going to take a leak!"

Dereek cleared his throat, claiming everyone's attention.

"Dereek?" Lorne asked.

"Colonel Sheppard had asked if there was somewhere he could talk to Dr. McKay privately," he admitted. "I told him about the Temple of the Guardian, and pointed the path out to him."

Radek heard Lorne's sigh, although both Teyla and Ronon looked surprised.

"You didn't know?" Radek asked.

"No!" they both protested.

"All right, we'll figure that part out later," Radek decided. He turned to Dereek. "What do you know about this Temple?"

"It has been there for many generations, stories have been handed down from father to son," Dereek told them. "The stories tell of the search for a Chosen One, and that finding the Chosen One will bring great peace to all of Pegasus."

"Shoot me now!" Lorne moaned.

"You know all of these stories have a grain of truth," Radek pointed out.

"One that always bites us in the ass," Lorne replied.

"I know, I know," Radek agreed.

"Now what?" Ronon asked patiently.

"Let me take a look and see if I can figure something out," Radek answered pragmatically.

"This way, then," Teyla offered. She led him to the cave and pointed to a rough line in the dirt. "That seems to be the edge of the protective field."

"They cannot see us?" Radek asked.

"Evidently not," Teyla replied. "We have waved at them, and one of Lorne's men tried to shine a light into cave. Neither John nor Rodney have reacted to anything we tried."

"And the PDA implies they don't think we can see them," Ronon put in from behind them.

"PDA?" Radek wondered which Marine had taught Ronon that.

"Hugging, and shouting, and things," Ronon shrugged.

"Shouting?" Radek asked.

Ronon grinned. "Once the hugging was done, Sheppard was shouting at McKay," he said. "You couldn't hear what they were saying, of course. But you know how Sheppard gets when he's worried, then McKay turns red and waves his hands around. Sheppard then tries to touch McKay, who shrugs it off once, gives in the second time, and then there's kissing."

Radek stared.

Ronon shrugged. "They do it a lot."

Radek shook his head and decided to forge on, taking out a modified Life Signs Detector. He held it in front of him, taking a reading of the field.

"Lots of power," Radek said. "Enough that even I would go chasing after it."

"A ZPM?" Teyla asked.

"Possibly," Radek answered absently. He tapped the LSD to change some settings. "Interesting."

"How?" Teyla asked.

"I'm not sure that the energy comes from inside the cavern," Radek replied. He moved off to the left, following the path as it went along the cliff face, and further away from the village.

"The readings are stronger here," Radek stopped after about a fifteen minute walk. He had gone past this spot, at which point the reading lessened, and then came back to it.

"There does not seem to be anything here," Teyla observed, looking around. "I would like to get Dereek. Perhaps he can tell you something about this location."

"Good idea," Radek agreed.

"I will send Ronon to be with you," Teyla said.

"I don't need company," Radek replied.

"No one stays alone off world," Teyla said gently. "For any reason."

"Now you've jinxed me," Radek grinned.

"Come back with me, then," Teyla coaxed. "I do not want to leave you alone."

Radek wanted to keep exploring but knew enough to follow her lead. "Just until we can get someone else to stay with you," Teyla urged.

"All right," Radek agreed easily. He broke off a branch on a bush to mark the spot. It would be easier to find it again, even if they would only be away for a few minutes.

They walked briskly back to the cavern opening, where everyone else was, well, mostly standing around and waiting.

"Dereek, Major Lorne," Teyla called to get their attention.

"I need you to come with me," Radek said. "Us." He corrected himself at Teyla's look.

"What did you find?" Lorne asked.

"Power source," Radek answered. "Pretty big one." He pointed. "Back this way."

Dereek looked puzzled. "There is nothing there."

Radek shrugged. "There must be something," he said. "Can we go look?"

"Certainly," Dereek agreed. "Where did you find this power source?"

"Back this way," Radek said. He led the way back to the spot he had marked with the branch. "Here."

Dereek looked around and said, "There are no stories about any location except the cavern."

"The may be the back end of the cavern," Radek suggested. "At the very least, I'd like to see if we can find anything hidden in the wall."

"Doc? Really?" Lorne protested. "Hidden things are what got us into this mess."

"All right, all right," Radek sighed. "Give me a few minutes, then, so I can narrow it down."

"And once you narrow it down, maybe we will search for your hidden whatever," Lorne growled. He looked around. "Ronon, Teyla, Get two helpers and make a new perimeter around this area."

"Got it!" Ronon grinned. Teyla went back to the group at the cavern mouth to get help with the work building a second perimeter.

"Do you need some help, doc?" Lorne asked. "I'm sending back for another team, and they can bring anyone you want back with them."

Radek considered as he brought out a laptop. "Not at the moment," he decided. "I'll let you know, though."

Radek ignored the bustle around him. He trusted Ronon and Teyla to pay attention around him while he focused on what he was doing in refining the calibration of the LSD. The device was actually a marvel on its own, but Rodney had figured out -- and he never let anyone forget it -- that coupling the LSD with a laptop let the device be reprogrammed on the fly. Radek needed a fine grained filter to determine exactly where in the cliff face in front of him was the control they needed to gain access to the cavern.

A power bar was waved in front of him, and Radek took it without thinking. He sat back to eat it, and found a canteen of water also at hand.

"I suspected you could use a break," Teyla answered his unspoken question.

"Rodney has you well trained," Radek grinned.

"Rodney can be... unpleasant if he does not have food regularly," she replied diplomatically.

"We do the same thing in the labs," Radek confided. "A hungry Rodney is difficult to work with." He realized he actually was hungry and ate the rest of the bar in a few more bites. He dug a second bar out of his backpack.

"How is it coming?" Teyla asked.

"Actually, almost done," he replied. "I was just finishing up a simulation." He peered at the screen. "Which is now successfully complete. Ready for a small test."

"Shall I get Major Lorne?" Teyla asked.

"Yes, please," he said. "I'll have something to show him by the time he gets here."

"I think he went to check on the team at the Gate," she said. "It will be a few minutes. You should be able to take a short break."

"Good to know," he replied.

Radek set up one more simulation, then stood up to stretch. He spotted Ronon and walked the short distance to the other man. "Is there a latrine set up anywhere nearby?"

They had learned that you didn't piss just anywhere. Between the not-so-innocent plant and animal life, and the concerns about drinking water, they had learned to find the proper place to perform bodily functions.

"Just before the village," Ronon said. "Let me show you where."

The encountered Lorne and Teyla on their way back to the site.

"What did you find?" Lorne asked.

"There seems to be a... leaking, if you will, of energy from the location I found," he outlined. "I am very certain that the source is in the cavern."

"That doesn't do us a lot of good," Lorne frowned. "McKay and Sheppard are still stuck in that cave."

"You did not let me finish," he admonished. "There is a control closer to the entrance that should turn off the field keeping them in the cave."

"And you couldn't have started with that?" Lorne said.

Radek grinned. "You would not have listened to everything if I started with that."

Lorne shook his head. "Okay, where's this control?"

Radek lead the way to the mouth of the cavern. He could see John and Rodney were at the 'shouting' stage again. He side-stepped the line that indicated the force field and reached out toward the side of the hill.

"Is that safe?" Teyla asked.

"Should be," Radek answered. He fumbled for a moment and found a rock that moved as he pressed on it.

"ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS ASK YOU TO MARRY ME!" John was shouting at Rodney.

"And the force field is down!" Radek announced with a small flourish.

Both John and Rodney jumped at the sound of his voice.

"Radek!" Rodney seemed relieved to see him. "What the fuck just happened?"

"Temple. Guardian. Chosen One," Ronon listed with a smirk.

"Fucking Ancients!" Rodney muttered. He turned to face John, and pointed a finger at him. "And I will talk to you later!"

Rodney stalked off toward the village, Lorne's men scrambled to follow him.

Everyone ignored John's red face when he asked, "What did you find?"

"Some kind of a power source," Radek reported. "Further back in the hill, for sure. I'm assuming further back in the cave system."

"Lorne, take a team with Dr. Z and see what you can find," John ordered. "There wasn't enough light to go further back into the cave, so we stayed near the entrance."

"Got it!" Lorne replied. "Get back to Atlantis," he told John. Lorne held up a hand when John was ready to protest. "Everyone knows you and Rodney were trapped in something. Go and show your face somewhere, and let Carson fuss over you."

"All right," John gave in, reluctantly. Telya and Ronon followed him back toward the village.

"Okay, Doc, let's see what we have here," Lorne said. "Before we go in, show us where that control was. Just in case."

It took some digging through minor rockfall, but the power source turned out to be a cache of five ZPMs, which Radek thought were mostly full. It would take some testing back on Atlantis before they could confirm that thought. But even partially charged, five more ZPMs was a major find.

They assured Dereek that the ZPMs would be in good hands, and that they would be back in two days to discuss what the Lanteans could provide in return for the ZPMs.

Both John and Rodney had cleared through the Ready Room, and the Infirmary, by the time Radek got back more than three hours later.

Radek had the ZPMs locked up securely for the night, and went off for a well earned hot meal and some sleep.

Rodney had liberated one of the ZPMs by the time Radek got to the labs the next morning. He was alone in one of his private labs, and half-heartedly poking at his computer.

"Rodney, why are you here and not doing things I don't want to think about with John?" Radek asked gently.

Rodney sighed. "I think I fucked it up," he admitted. "He wants to marry me!"

"And the problem with that is?" Radek asked.

Rodney turned and looked at him. "You've met me! I'm not good at that sort of thing!"

"And yet your Colonel knows you just as well, and has asked you to marry him anyway," Radek pointed out.

"Do you think he meant it?" Rodney looked hopeful.

"I suspect that he does not say that sort of thing to just anyone," Radek reasoned. He hesitated, then said, "I know it will seem like heresy, but the ZPM will wait. Go see him."

He could see Rodney struggle within himself, then closed the laptop in front of him, "No one else works on these without me," he threatened.

"We will manage to find something to do," Radek replied dryly.

As Rodney was leaving the room, he stopped suddenly. John was standing in the doorway.

Radek picked up the ZPM, and said, "I will take care of this." He wasn't sure either of them heard him.

As the door swung shut behind him, he saw Rodney let John touch him the first time he reached out.

pairing: mckay/sheppard, genre: slash

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