Title: The incredible Radek
Rating: rug-rat friendly, Gen, crack I suppose?
Words: Around 640
Summary: An accident with some Ancient technology leads to some dangerous changes in Dr Radek Zelenka.
This was written in an hour-long bout of sillyness this evening. Not beta-read. As such, feel free to point out any errors and they shall be fixed.
The Incredible Radek
It happened one day when they were tinkering with some Ancient technology, which they had found in a run-down laboratory, in an abandoned Ancient outpost, on an uninhabited planet.
The beam only hit Radek for a few seconds, but, according to Beckett, it did something very odd to his DNA, rearranging it in ways that were subtle, yet extensive. It wasn’t until he woke up that they started to realise the true impact.
Radek had only been awake for a few moments and Rodney was already glowering at him.
“How stupid are you? I thought you of all the scientists on this expedition would understand to be cautious around the unknown Ancient tech, but no! You stand right in the way of…”
Rodney droned on and Radek rolled his eyes, frustration slowly turning to anger. After all, he had just woken up and while he wasn’t a man easy to anger, he knew full well that the accident had not been his fault.
Right now, he was finding it hard to keep down the anger and, as it began to boil to the surface, Radek felt his skin start to tingle. Rodney stopped talking mid-sentence as a greenish tinge seemed to creep into Radek’s skin and he sat up straighter in his infirmary bed.
“You listen to me, you arrogant man,” the usually placid Czech railed. “I will not be held responsible for your mistakes. You hear me? You make me so angry sometimes and you don’t want to make me angry!”
Rodney made a noise akin to a small squeak and ran for his life.
A whirlwind of destruction in the shape of a large, green scruffy-haired giant swept through the infirmary and was then seen wreaking havoc on other parts of the city. They chased it through the corridors, soldiers firing at the giant, before he disappeared somewhere into the city’s unexplored depths.
It was Sheppard and Teyla that finally found him, naked and cold, huddled into a foetal position on the exposed pier.
“Hey Doc. How are you feeling?” Sheppard put the lifesigns detector he’d been using away and leant down to offer the man his jacket.
Radek shied away from the touch. “Leave me alone. I’m dangerous,” he moaned and Sheppard carefully backed away. He noticed Teyla still had her hand held tight to her weapon, though she looked sad rather than frightened.
He didn’t look dangerous, but they had seen what he had done. It seemed that in a flash of Ancient technology one man’s life had forever changed, but perhaps Atlantis had gained a new weapon against the Wraith.
Radek leaned under the console of the DHD on M4X 332. He’d just found the circuit responsible for their problems when the gate dialled in. Two darts swept in, buzzing low over their heads as they headed toward the nearby village and proceeded to beam up lunch.
“That makes me so angry!” Radek whispered under his breath, his sharp eyes fixed on the darts. The other men around him darted out of his way, watching as the mild-mannered man worked himself up into a rage. He cursed the Wraith in his mother-tongue, shaking and beating his fists, while all the time his body began to change.
A large green giant was suddenly running toward the village, and pretty soon the Wraith darts were being batted out of the sky like giant slingshots. Angry growls emanated from this altered form of Radek as he howled to the sky, revelling in his empowering rage.
With the darts now dealt with, Lorne crept forward, speaking very softly. “Easy there Dr Z. You’ve got to calm down now.”
It never ceased to amaze him, how something so large and strong could melt back into the small scientist he knew. In time, Radek was learning to control the anger and the rage and the Major’s team had never been so safe off world.
I guess I should say that obviously I'm paying homage to The Incredible Hulk here. No copyright breaches intended or money being made. Yada yada! Don't sue.