Title: Ten Tiny Tales Redux
teenygozerChallenge: Amnesty 2010, Gods and Monsters
Characters: All of them.
Rating: Depends on how you feel about the discussion of religion. No sex, no violence. Couple of swear words.
Genre: Gen... "thinky" gen.
Tags: amnesty 2010, author: teenygozer, challenge: gods and monsters
Notes: A follow up to
Ten Tiny
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Comments 20
a small-but-clever child bred to think out-of-the-box
There are dangers there, even if we tend to think of the advantages of being able to think creatively. (I always want to dream up AUs where this particular danger was scotched.)
Without thinking, he blurted out, “But sir, I can fly anything!”
Lovely, concise sketch of Sheppard.
(I always want to dream up AUs where this particular danger was scotched.)
Did you see the SG-1 movie "Continuum"? In the alternate time line created by Ba'al, Daniel tries to convince Colonel (didn't make General) O'Neill that they are friends in another version of time by referring to his dead son, Charlie, and O'Neill gets really angry and says that Charlie is alive! It's only in a universe where they hadn't uncovered the Stargate that Charlie survives. There's no pressing need for him, so Ganos Lal doesn't show a heightened and specific interest in him, which means no passing bad-guy Ascended beings are alerted to his special attributes. He's still one of her gene-carriers, but she's not grooming him for something specific that's on the horizon. So he lives! And it's canon!
Thanks for you comment (and I love my version of Sheppard! He's a sweet guy!)
There's POWER in that PowerPoint presentation! Naturally Rodney came up with it. They all mocked him, but then started adding things.
#5 can get you into trouble if you try to put that into your television show! You have to be subtler than that -- like Star Trek's "A Piece of the Action" episode, where Kirk is astounded that the planet's population based their lives on A BOOK! JUST ONE BOOK!? Took me years to realize they were commenting negatively on the Bible!
I think most fans have completely forgotten that it was for more than that one episode (where they save him) that Caldwell was a host. And how awful for Caldwell to know that nobody could tell that it wasn't him, even though the Goa'uld was argumentative and nasty.
I love John's useless stationery... I had that stationery when I was 12! Except it was a unicorn instead of a Pegasus!
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